I think I'm going back to 2.49....

In general it’s better to stay up to date with blender. Using older versions is good for stability or plugins you used to have. But there is a point where it starts looking like you prefer MSDOS over windows XP/7

My thoughts… which ever Blender you use has no effect on me, and mine.

If 2.49 makes you happy, and accomplishes what you want to do then cheers!

Happy Blending,

Talking about staying in ms-dos instead of going to xp:
Many people skipped VISTA. And I believe many will skip Windows 8.

Wow… I missed that memo entirely! I’m primarily Mac, but I do use Windows often. Guess I hardly ever use QT, PSD or Gif…

I retract my statement.

Nobody cares if you’re using 2.49 or not, why make a thread about it?

Thank you very much !
Will have to test around thanks to this.

R33lwhiteboy: When I first tried the 2.5 version I also hated that but now I love it. It’s only matter of time to get used to it.
Blender 2.6x: cycles, motion tracking, dynamic paint, ocean sim,… !!!

Invest some time to find your way in 2.62. There’s a whole bunch of new features and addons that are definitely worth it.

Im here to respond to the original post. Im using Blender since 2.58 and Im loving the UI.

i started with the Blender 2.4x series and when 2.5 came out, I thought I would never use it, i used 2.49 until Blender 2.56 was released. That was when i started with Blender 2.5x and 2.6x series and I have been loving it. Not sure if I can go back to 2.4.

I started using Blender with version 2.59, and for stability reasons I haven’t upgraded to 2.6x. It no just stability though, since I am still learning Blender it is hard to find full-featured in-depth tutorials for non-stable versions(even if you do they will often be subjects to frequent changes). So for every new Blender-head I recommend starting with v2.59, once you’ve got the basics there it’s easy to upgrade and learn the newer versions.

The only reason I go back to 2.49 every now and then is for things like Geom Tools and the knife tool (which is working better every day in 2.62). Once the bevel and inset tools are tweaked and polished, and if someone ported Geom Tools over, I’ll have no reason to go back. B-mesh is proving itself to be extremely useful, making modeling so much easier.

The only reason I still have 2.49 on my comp is because I use it’s animation player to play animation directly in 2.62.

That player is simply amazing. And if it ever gets into 2.62 I can complete remove 2.49

lol so i do have a use for 2.49 :evilgrin:


Enjoy. It won’t be getting anymore updates, but if you don’t mind that then more power to you.

I still have yet to successfully rig an armature in 2.62. It never works right, even though I could get all kinds of armatures rigged up in 49.

I prefer rigging in 2.6x by far compared to 2.4x. 2.6x is much more flexible (e.g. choice of rotation representations, a far more powerful driver system, fcurve modifiers, spline IK… the list goes on). And I don’t know of any regressions from 2.4x as far as rigging features go. Maybe some hotkeys changed, and that’s tripping you up…?

Honestly, I’m at a loss for why your armatures would be having problems in 2.6x. There aren’t any technical reasons that should be the case, unless you’ve discovered a bug (in which case it should be reported and fixed).

And a lot of the keyboard shortcuts don’t work for me. I don’t know if it’s blender or me, but it’s still pretty annoying to not be able to press “E” and actually have something extrude.

“E” still extrudes. Both in armature edit mode and mesh edit mode. Again, I’m not sure what the issue is, unless you’ve discovered a bug. But “E” for extrude has been working flawlessly for me.


I much prefer 2.6x over 2.4x. IMO it’s a huge improvement. There’s still more work to be done, of course. It can still be even better. But it’s definitely an improvement.

Mind you, I’ve been using Blender since 1998 when it was first released online. So I’ve seen its GUI go through a lot of changes over the years. The 2.5 project is certainly a much larger change than previous changes, but it’s still one of many changes over the years that have made steady positive progress improving Blender and making it a more capable app.

i thought (jay)'s post was pretty hilarious. i didn’t get that it was meant to derail the thread per se, but point out the fact that a thread like this is pretty inane. is the OP trying to amass a following? a bunch of people who will rally behind him and demand the BF return to the glory days 2.49 interface?

he also asked for thoughts; those were (jay)'s thoughts. pretty witty, too, i say. i was trying to come up with something that witty but i don’t think i’ll be able to top it.

I don’t know about you guys but… I think I’m going back to the futurrrrreeee.

On a more serious note, I still use 2.49b for some work but I also slowly got used to 2.6x. 2.6 definitely has more functionality than 2.4x. You can continue using any version of blender you want but (at the same time) I would recommend spending a little time learning 2.6 at your own pace. No need to rush.