I tried unity....

it was terrible

No keyboard events? why for the love of god?

after fighting with it for 45 miutes I managed to get a actor imported and playing a animaiton,

I could have almost coded a whole locomotion, animation and action system in the same time in blender,

why for the love of god do people like that software?

Just remember that a lot of people say the same thing about blender :slight_smile: it is just a matter of time, you have to practice with it to master it, as much as you did with blender :slight_smile:

I’m a Unity user at work, but in my spare time i prefer to use the BGE :slight_smile:

I agree with mataii. At the beginning complex software is hard to understand. You go in with an “idea” how things should work and discover it is completely different.

It took me 3 trials to get used to Blender, and at least half a year to get use to the BGE. After that I still was at the beginner level :eek:.

yeah, it was just odd how absolutely nothing was intuitive.

Made this tonight, and it was fun,

unity… just was not fun to me… blender has always been fun, even when I was frustrated I still loved the program. not so with unity, no charm.

See, It’s as I said, people use whats comfortable. And so they should. Whether it’s UE4, Unity, Blender 2.75, or 2.49. If they can get more work done with the engine of their choice, then why not.

BPR, try playing around with Unity particles, fire, and water, you can make some decent eye candy. Also check out unitys ragdoll. :slight_smile:

Аt the end Unity and Blender are very similar in my mind…today at work I was trying for like 1 minute to move an object in Unity with the “G” key and mouse, wondering - WTF why its not moving :smiley: (caused by constantly switching between those 2 softwares)

Yeah just hate learning new toolchains without any specific advantage. Stick with BGE. Oh and put blender on linux I see you’re using windows :wink:

Converting .blend file to .fbx file make scripts unrecognizable because there’re same python plugins.

I tried Unity once… bad times.
Just hearing the name “Unity” sets off a gag reflex, like I’m gonna throw up. I hated it.

This was before I’d even heard of Blender, so to be fair, I was very new to game development.
Once I finally discovered Blender, I had no idea of its Game Engine, I found it by looking up free 3D animation software.

I gave unity another chance, maybe a year ago…? Even after using Blender and learning about game development, its still horrible. Everything about it is WRONG.

Like your said, BPR, it lacks that special charm Blender has.

The unreal engine so far seems to be enjoyable,

I have tried Unity a few times!
Gotta say, it has a lot more features that the BGE. I followed 2 tutorials to finally master it… and couldn’t get through it. I guess it’s or was beyond my reach, probably because I have too much BGE in my mind.
As for blender, after 2 tutorials, I could go on my own, as a noob, but could already go on my own!
As any other software, there’s a learning curve. Each one has a different curve. But if many people rather use it, it’s for a good reason.
I still like the BGE learned simplicity!

Students from my school use Unity for the projects. Because i am specified only for graphic designing so i dont have much access to the Unity lessons there. But what i could do is using Unity to create terrains/ plattform for their games. It is quite cool since it uses heightmap to generate the plattform.

BGE is a perfect all-in-one software. That is why i love it.

Ha Ha I know what you mean, I still, to this day, try to hit the escape key to get out of play mode in Unity.:slight_smile:

I like the fact that blender uses overlay scenes, where Unity don’t support them.
There’s no navmesh, or area lights, in free version of Unity, that I know of.
And I hate Unitys Text.
No way to libload in Unity free. You have to add scenes, with can bog down a weak PC in a large game.
And everything is expensive.

But there are things I like about Unity, also.

UE4 looks promising. And their visual scripting “Blueprints” is free, unlike Unitys.

Right now what I like in UE4 is that their documentation and lessons are for the engine you download. And the controls you use to navigate are the same you use to play with.

I found unity pretty intuitive. I hated the API, but that’s because I can see that it’s aimed towards first-time programmers, and it’s somewhat limited in its scope. (As is, for the record, the BGE).

I tried Unity too. What I disliked about it was you had to write a script to do even the most simple things. There was too much programming for me. Still, it’s importing method was fairly easy. I’m glad an engine like unity exists, because it makes Unreal stay competitive. :slight_smile:

I see that I can say my two cents in here… So I’ll throw them at you.:wink:
OK… One the free version of unity doesn’t seem to like me at ALL. It all most seems to me that I can do more in bge in ten minutes compared to spending an hours finding out how the h$#% to do something even after looking through documentation and the forms… Yea bad times… I haven’t tried unreal engine yet… One because of 100mb download for a launcher and 5gs for just the engine it self… 5 f#$%ing gigs… And it doesn’t help that the internet I get at home is slower than Dial up… Like tar on a winter morning slow… Also note torrent download… It would so much nicer to have a torrent download for people like me some time have to wait for 2 days for WiFi…

I see that I can say my two cents in here… So I’ll throw them at you.:wink: OK… One the free version of unity doesn’t seem to like me at ALL. It all most seems to me that I can do more in bge in ten minutes compared to spending an hours finding out how the h$#% to do something even after looking through documentation and the forms… Yea bad times… I haven’t tried unreal engine yet… One because of 100mb download for a launcher and 5gs for just the engine it self… 5 f#$%ing gigs… And it doesn’t help that the internet I get at home is slower than Dial up… Like tar on a winter morning slow… Also note torrent download… It would so much nicer to have a torrent download for people like me some time have to wait for 2 days for WiFi…

The only reason I would ever even need unity is poly count,

I am thinking of starting a kickstarter and putting a few hundred in there, to pay a dev to

apply some of the same optimizations added to the viewport to the game engine

from what I understand , the GSL can hold 18x more polygons before dipping in the new viewport.

the same boost in performance for the game engine would be game changing.

who could accomplish it though? Tristan? Goose? Loki? Campbell? who would take it on?

Unity is supposed to be a bit more involved on the scripting side than the BGE is (there’s no visual programming unless you buy a plugin and C# is a bit more complex than Python).

Most of the really good games made in Unity use at least a few hundred dollars in plugins (which is still needed today despite efforts to increase what the engine provides out of the box).

Anyway, this is more or less a completely uneducated review because the workflow is quite different from the BGE (ie. the use of an export pipeline).