I want to make every type of game in Blender. What are your thoughts?

Thankyou for that clarification, that’s a new phrase for me!

Maybe that’s because you don’t visit general Support but only hang around in Game Engine – most of the people in this thread are active and helpful in the former. One is a site moderator.

It only takes general knowledge to encourage somebody just starting out, so more people have something to say. It takes much more specialized knowledge to help somebody with specific problems they encounter working on an actual game.


In the interest of transparency, it was my intention to sell my games on itch and steam. Since its a small game and I’m no pro, I will make it free/donation ware.
And BGE is rough but it’s fun to get things to work in it and get results! It seems like Blender can do a lot, it’s just the license that holds it back from the console world.

I wanted to do open world with all the characters and stories I scribbled over the years. Lots of scattered ideas coming together on a big open world. Or maybe a smaller open world. Something along the lines of Wolfenstein 2009.

The MMORPG is a napkin sketch at this point! I appreciate your advice and will build games with this in mind where possible. :+1:

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:face_with_raised_eyebrow: ok then, any relevant info you could possibly share? since the OP has targeted BGE as their particular dev platform.

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what i’m supposed to say ? OP said he wants to make all games possible, fine.

to do a open world in upbge - I use upbge 4x and I use geometry nodes,
I use a empty as the center of a generated world and when you move the empty it updates the world,

I build a bvhtree from the ground / buildings / etc and raycast vs this and only move using logic, this prevents some of the hiccups that updating triangle mesh physics has in bullet,
(falling through the ground during terrain updates)

This is project Wrectified.


Your work on BGE is part of the reason I wanted to make games with it. Only problem is my system locks up when saving or loading so I have to stick with UPBGE 025 for now. Can’t wait to upgrade!

Is the world you built, based on grids? Can I replicate this in UPBGE 025 or is it designed for newer versions only?

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much of the texture related stuff can be back ported if we added ‘generic data’ vertex color mode

(to hold values less than 0 and greater than 1)

I can pass data per vertex atm but we have to compress it between 0-1
closest_point_data_encouder.blend (575.4 KB)

The only reason I would choose Unity right now, is because I have spent 5 years in it, and I am used to it.

Currently I don’t develop games, so I have never started with Unreal5 or Godot.

But say that I consider that Unreal5 is the serious behemoth engine (to create Gigachad games), and Godot is the easy and friendly engine (to start learning and enjoying game development). So there are these two best edge cases.

As I said for me now, Unity is something in the middle. Would you call it easy and fun to use? No because initially you can do simple things easily but once you cross the line you go for full-stack game development. So on the contrary would I call it highly advanced? No because if you want to make an impressive and important game like Unrecord you have fight against the engine to try to make it good and important. Unreal on the other hand for such projects works naturally and it only makes everything peaceful and sensible.

So would I say that Unity is the best engine? I consider that is popular then there are a lot of resources for learning and on the asset store. Also I would say that for those who like programming very much and want to write in C# all the time (because all other languages make them bored), more or less you have to let all of these exact criteria fit into place and consider that Unity is a viable choice for very specific projects and very specific style of development.

Good luck. :roll_eyes:

over before it begun

All of my failed game-dev attempts had one thing in common.
• No vision board
• No pragmatic and viable steps
• No deadlines and milestones

I just went for it without a plan and tried to improv, then after some bottlenecks and some roadblocks, I would just switch to a different project.

In some sense I would fill in the blanks from here and there, and learn more stuff this way, but returning back to an old project was very boring and the motivation was lost for good.

This is why I consider that a project must be implemented up to a great extent while is hot, after a while boredom and doom kicks in naturally.

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It took me a while to learn Blender. And while I’m no expert at it, I finally feel confident enough to make games in it. I’m holding off on the online-only engines until ive done everything in Blender I planned.

Sorry to hear you lost the drive for game dev. I’ve been there. The passion for an idea might cool off but the desire to create never leaves. You gotta find an idea your excited to work on indefinitely. That’s why I wrote a big story w lots of characters and mushed all the scattered ideas into one big sloppy interconnected universe.

It drives you crazy but it’s a good kind of crazy…

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if you don’t do it already, you might want to use chatgpt and dall-e to help you. I didn’t know it would be so helpful to learn Unity, or Dall-e to have some inspiration.

I feel for sure that I lost my spontaneous and creative aspect and become more pragmatic.

I think that I become more technical too, with the hope that once you have a system to support the entire game, then you only change the models and textures and you have the game.

Somehow I feel that making a game brings a lot of hype and over-excitement and this leads to very difficult decisions and bottlenecks. Is like doing “Skunkworks” with yourself in order to overcome this problem and complete the mission. :sweat_smile:

Game dev definitely requires passion. Reality will always intrude so you gotta have something exciting to build else 20 years will pass and you’ll regret not taking the shot while you had the chance. :disappointed:

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Yeah, the only good part in all of this, is that if there is passion then everything is OK. Nothing to be afraid of and nothing to regret. The real question is that WHEN the game is completed it will be completed. :sweat_smile:

I have been doing the skunkworks stuff for like 8+ years and it has panned out.

Some of the math I figuered out was going to make it into blender, (curve based texture cords) but they fired that developer.

Smart project 2d shrink wrap, and shrink project sphere, all sorts of stuff.

The solving problem part becomes the fun part.

This was very unfortunate, because it would be great if Blender had such advanced and useful UV features.

Perhaps if you are still interested and you can salvage as much of your work possible. You would be able to contact that developer and allow him to repack the project into a standalone solution for sale, into a binary packed addon.