I will try 2 change + ->Ma-rating

Thank you all for presenting you opinion.
I’m proud that this was mainly done in a very constructive way. The above posts show that we can communicate in a respectful manner and we are able to help (even if it is not related to BGE;)).

A personal note:
I do not feel attacked by this thread even it might be the original intention. (Somehow I’m proud to be a Monster :D) I see it as a chance to bring this topic on the table as talking “behind the curtain” did not help in the past.

@BluePrintRandom: I hope you recognized the “DO NOT ADD…” message was on all threads that ended with at least two consecutive posts of you. If you did not see it please have a second look.

I can understand that it is hard to change your style. I want to see that you are trying to improve your communication skills and presentation style. I know it will not get better from one day to the other but we want to see some continuous progress. If you succeed you gain our respect and you will get a much better reputation. This might end that you are really seen as professional. But it is a long way.

The users here know you already. You do not need a new user account.

Moderator’s note:
Even if we moderators could, we will not limit the number of posts of a user. This would be contrary to the purpose of a forum. But we are able and we do stop inappropriate content (details are listed in the forum rules).

Thanks for reading

Happy 7500 monster!!

it was not my intention to do anything of the sort, it was more of a joke really :slight_smile:

I used a packet of magnesium flash power, surrounded by thermite, inside a tin foil packet,

I shot a stop sign with one with a sling shot, imagine a stop sign screaming, and twisting into a lump…

now imagine this as a projectile (the packet not the sign)
for a potato gun… with a acetylene torch crossing the barrel,

by the way, I had a friend with a very cool dad, that was in ww2, otherwise, I don’t think I would have had access to what I needed,

Sorry to say that, but where is the relation to the thread topic?

It better open a new thread in off-topic.

this is what I was responding to,
it cut out my words for some reason,
maybe because it was a quote of a quote

Yes, quotes of quotes of quotes do not work really well.

Unfortunately, a reader will not know what you are referring to, especially as it is on another page.
You see discussions can go pretty quick off-topic. Usually it starts pretty slow, without correction the thread heads into the wrong direction.
As thread owner, it is your duty to do the corrective actions. Other can do that as well, but you are the chairman of your own threads.

This can be:

  • ignore the off-topic - just continue on-topic
  • post a comment with the quoted comment stating it is a different topic and does not belong to your thread.
  • report posts that continue to go off-topic. The moderation team will help you.

If you really want to follow an off-topic. You can open a new thread and reference it with a link. Then continue with the original topic.
The new topic can be discussed in the new thread.

As you see in this thread:

  • someone turned the wheel towards off-topic: “images?” (post#23)

  • you did not follow it (post #24), and the thread remained on-topic.

  • unfortunately you decided later to bring it back with a hard turn(post#43)

  • so I did a correction to bring the thread back (post #44) - usually this would be an off-topic too

  • now we are discussing this off-topic - which somehow matches the topic of the thread = back to track :wink:

This was inspiring, people. I feel teary-eyed. I’m happy you accept my homeboy into your midst. You shall have a place in paradise for your delight, in your life after life.

My homeboy has issues, and he’s working hard to overcome them.