Iceking's Tools

For me it was the same mistake. Enttão copied the last bsurface buildbot ( and transfer to my folder blender (C: \ Users \ ZZZZ \ AppData \ Roaming \ Blender Foundation \ Blender \ 2.76 \ scripts) and it worked perfectly.

For me it was the same mistake. Then copied the bsurface the last buildbot ( and transfer to my folder blender (C: \ Users \ ZZZZ \ AppData \ Roaming \ Blender Foundation \ Blender \ 2.76 \ scripts) and it worked perfectly.

Is there a video somewhere showing how to use this?

@retrograde, yes, mostly coupled with bsurfaces, there’s a video in my tutorial section thread.

for those requesting backwards compatibility, sorry but I have no time to do this, I am involved with a lot of stuff, including coding some free stand alone tools for artists, writing and recording tutorials, studying/writing web codes, learning new software etc… so if I see a problem with the tool in the future I will most likely code it to the nightly build updates.

Hey Iceking there any way around this problem?


download the latest version. this is already been resolved. just a minor fix to accommodate the code changes in gpencil.

thank Iceking

Is this too the problem of blender version? Bcs i downloaded fresh one from and the IceTool from Github, but is makes this error.


Is this too the problem of blender version? Bcs i downloaded fresh one from and the IceTool from Github, but is makes this error.



thanks friend, it’s perfect!

Last blender build - when i click setup retopo mesh button in Ice Tools show me this:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/lolko/.config/blender/2.77/scripts/addons/”, line 168, in execute = 1
AttributeError: ‘GPencilLayer’ object has no attribute ‘line_width’

location: <unknown location>:-1

Any chance for fix this ?

P.S. earlier works great

Yup, there’s been changes to gpencil, now gpencil v2 is in master… more

Ice Tools has been updated, now it works with latest builds :slight_smile:

This tool is great.
I was wondering if there is a way to define the base mesh for retopo without creating an empity mesh.
What I usually do every time I miss open a scene I have already started working on is setting up the retopo mesh deleting it and renaming the old one like the one who has been just created.
Is there a more practical way to do this?


I update blender to the latest version and I am trying to install the new version of Ice king, but it doesn’t load the script at all.
Does any of you have the same problem? I am kind of stuck with this :frowning:

Ice Tools could now dance with Bool Tools as well.

This is what it looks like right now.

another quick pratice using the ice-bool combo.

Nice , work , but for me the timelapse are a little bit to fast ( sorry ) :eyebrowlift2: