Iceking's Tools

Which screencast key tool are you using? The one with CTools from Chromoly works really well for me.

Hi, I was hoping to test the Ice Tools by checking out the lite version you published at GitHub, but it seems to be broken. Any fix in sight for 2.78c compatibility on that script? Also, what is omitted from the Pro version?

Video deleted.

iceking Thanks to fix bugs reported previously and also by using the screencast key (

Hello, from march 10, there is an update available for the Lite version for use in version 2.78c


[SUB][SUB]Ice Tools Pro 2.70 crashes blender 2.78c when you try to undo while adding a quad.[/SUB][/SUB]

edit: Pretty sure this was another plugin being naughty that I forgot was enabled. Sorry.

I corresponded Ice Tools (Lite ver) to Blender 2.8.

Download - Github

This addon is indispensable for Retopology!
It is a very important tool.
Thank you.

ver2.1.0 Fixed the problem that “Function does not work”, improved the menu


  • Changed object selection to PointerProperty to allow picker selection
  • Changed X clip to use “bisect” operator
  • Added retopo related object status to the menu, such as foreground display and wireframe display

Thank you. You have resurrected excellent addons indispensable to the community.

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I forgot about the lite mode. I’ll make a new github (forgot my account) and create a new one there when I have the time next week. I’ll introduce a few stuff from the purchased version too.


omg. the classic ice tools was epic. I was just looking throughyour site via google translate!
You’re on fire!


Thank you!
I was also closely watching your YouTube videos from before.
It is very helpful reference in video of “Hard surface modeling by Blender’s sculpting”.:blush: