Industry Compatible Keymap

Why not use both? If you use the gizmo transform tools, you can still click anywhere outside of the gizmo to move freely, and use the XYZ hotkeys to axis snap. Also make sure to set active gizmo to drag, so you can still select through it, and the gizmos should never get into your way.

The industry standard keymap lobby hits back again:)

none, itā€™s not possible, as I said a few comments above, industry key is gizmo switcher, blender key are grabbers

That is to say that with blender, you do not hold down a mouse button to move an object, you grab it by clicking a shortcut once and then move it to the point you want by moving the mouse, concentrating on the accuracy of the position (and in this phase can be activated other shortcuts to increase the precision of the position, for example an X will make you translate the object only on the X axis, or by pressing shift the precision will be millimeter, or by pressing ctrl it will be snapped,) and at the end of the operation you will press a click the mouse or Enter to confirm the operation or the other click or ESC to cancel it ā€¦
all these things and much more are not possible with industry keymap mode.

This. I have only ever used Blender for 3D, so this feels natural for me. Strangely, the select thing never bothered me, my muscle memory just seemed to switch sides when moving from Adobe Suite and a slew of now mostly fringe and defunct DTP apps where I used to spend most of my screen time. That said, I am left-handed and use a separate finger on each button in Blender, opposed to using just my index finger to click both buttons the right handed way in Adobe Suite.

I started my career so long ago that mice had only one button and then the first multi-button mouses didnā€™t have settings for left-handed use. Old habits die hard. Now I want a workflow that replaces mouse and keyboard with multi-point touch, gestures and stylus, clutching my tablet PC, on the couch in front of my large screen TV. Blenderā€™s UI has a ways to go to be adaptable enough to be properly efficient enough without serious Python chops. Although I have serious RSI/CTS and failing eyesight, you will have to pry my computer from my dying hands. Go figureā€¦

Itā€™s because we are not really aware of how powerful the human mind isā€¦
Usually we tend to associate with a container and make a switch to a certain behavior without almost noticing ā€¦
Therefore it is more the prejudices, that we do ourselves for a few minutes of interaction hurt on unknown instruments, or worse still we trust the hearsay, so the mind, addressed by ourselves refuses to verify more than once "for doing economy "ā€¦ then maybe it happens that by chance we go to little deeper in testing a system ā€¦ and we realize how much we have deprived ourselves by stupid prejudicial impediments that were only psychological walls.

Since this keymap isnā€™t really meant for folks like you, you arenā€™t the target audience, and it isnā€™t the default anyway, itā€™s honestly not so interesting or useful that you donā€™t like it, and prefer the default keymap.

Iā€™m more interested in feedback from the kinds of people who do, or would like to use it. Typically, that would be users who work in heterogeneous software environments, or users of other DCC apps.

Only problem previously Iā€™ve had with Blender was the overuse of middle mouse button and right click select. I also changed the viewport navigation to Maya style by redefining the shortcuts. After that, jumping from Unity3D and Substance was lot less jarring. I donā€™t really feel the QWER widget workflow is for me, as I find Blender has a better solution and a completely different paradigm for it, which canā€™t be solved just by changing keybinds. But maybe Iā€™m in the minority here and Maya and Max users will really appreciate it.

Iā€™m pretty hyped up to see how the ā€œindustry standardā€ keymap will shape up, and how much I have to modify it to suit my needs. It would be really cool to use Blender as close to default settings as possible straight out of the box.

  • A lot less middle click
  • Left click select
  • Maya style viewport navigation

All in all, very minor changes can possibly have huge impact in how easy it is to jump between Blender and different software packages.

Well, yes, with a different keymap it can be a lot easier to switch between apps. And thatā€™s the entire point - Unity for example also uses QWER for the transform widgets, also uses A to frame all and F to focus on selection, right-click menus, and so on and on. With this keymap thereā€™s also no need to use middle mouse if you wonā€™t want to.

So, youā€™ve just described this keymap pretty much exactly.

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For what itā€™s worth: Iā€™ve found thereā€™s really no problem with Unity3D using QWER and Blender not having it. I prefer it that way. A to frame all and F to focus on selection, isnā€™t really that great in my opinion as in Blender left hand keybinds are prime real estate. I bind those to mouse buttons instead. Only issues I had were the ones I previously described, everything else was fine in my book.

With only Maya style navigation changing, I could still maintain the Blender way of doing things and not change the workflow. Maintain workflow and addon compatibility with Blender defaults.

So I am loving the industry standard keymap so far, however I realize this is going to be hard for new users to get into simply due to the vast majority of content and instructional videos focusing largely on the blender keymap and hotkey approach. Over all its a good start, however with future developments and even training material I think a larger focus should be put on the industry standard keymap, as thatā€™s whats going to be attracting users from other applications.

One method Modo used, to kind of bridge the gap, was to include just an option for maya style navigation while retaining as much as possible, everything else as the default. Ultimately though, I think the BF needs to actively promote and use the industry standard keymaps in order to prevent it from becoming some kind of gimped, hardly taught, ā€œalternativeā€.


@William are you guys thinking of fixing the interactions in the 2D mode in Blender? It would be nice if that were ā€œstandardizedā€ as well.

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Thatā€™s a pretty vague and confusing question.

What is 2d mode and what needs fixing?

The 2D Animation workspace/mode when you click the file menu. In 3D mode or general mode, box select works even in you are in the move tool, in the 2D mode or grease pencil mode this doesnā€™t work. I have to press Q to go to box select mode then back to W to move the points in edit mode.

There are other things but I have to gather my thoughts/do more testing on those.

Oh my God yes this is a GODSEND! Especially for devs who switch back and forth between Unity/Unreal Engine back to Blender. Iā€™ve personally preferred the keymapping used on Unity and Unreal so this Industry keymapping is amazing. Please keep it in there.


I dont think itā€™'lll be too difficult.

I hope by 2.81 we can see the UV editor updated to match the industry standard keymap a bit more.

Right now it behaves like the default blender keymap, with the GSR approach only being switched to QWER. The selection and actual transformation tools are separated in an awkward way. There are no visual widgets with bounding regions to grab and dragging off the UVs will still move them if any component is selected. We need it to match the behavior and expectations of the 3D Viewportā€™s interactions, even down to seeing a visible widget.

Another thing is that 1-3 keys do not switch components (vertex, edge, face) but end up forcing the selected object into object mode.

I hope the development on it hasnā€™t stopped because quite frankly it has been a godsend for a lot of new Blender users, and even those of us who came from the old maya keymap.

Eh? They do for me. 1-4 in UV editor, 1-3 in viewport edit mode. Didnā€™t have the IC keymap loaded. Weird.

Yeah I think I mentioned earlier in this thread that it seems like the keymap is incomplete in places.

Thatā€™s not really the fault of the keymap, but because the UV Editor doesnā€™t have gizmos for the move, rotate and scale tools.

I hear you, I am not blaming the keymap for that missing component. If I recall correctly some development had to happen to make the industry standard keymap work well in the first place. I see this observation + request as an extension of that. Matching behavior across the editors should be part of the goal. The UV editor, like other applications, should feel like a 2D extension of the 3D viewport.

For us using the industry standard keymap, the UV editor simply behaves differently (harder to use as a result), which not good. =)