Infinite Journeys: Earthworm Jim's Interstellar Incursion

So I’ve decided to enter this month’s Infinite Journeys contest hosted by Clint Jones. The theme is “Journey” and my mind immediately pictured Earthworm Jim in a big ship cruising through space, so that’s what I’m going to try to create.

I’ve never created a fully detailed character in ZBrush, at least not one that’s humanoid, and not with detailed articles of clothing, so this is a learning process for me, and if you see me making any mistakes along the way, I welcome your critiques and tips!

I started this project with a basemesh that I modified to fit a character sheet of Jim.




I have a hard time with sculpting hands. Anyhow, here’s a look at one of my janky hands.


After tweaking the hand a bit, I combined it with the body and remeshed it.


Here’s the first test with color.


Looks like Jim, minus the worm part. Nice.

The gloves and straps are real janky, uneven, no clean topology. I learned how to combine extract, zremesher, and panel loops to get decent-looking forms, so I’m remaking the gloves, suspenders, and belt.
The geo is so much cleaner now.


Now I had to figure out suit detailing. So I brushed on a bunch of panel lines, and use polygroupit to create groups from my panel layout ideas. As a test, I masked the group edges and inflated them with a value of -.75.


Those edges need cleanup, but the layout looks nice. I dropped sub d’s, zremeshed with keep groups enabled and cleaned up the topology of my polygroups, re-subbed, then projected the original body onto my newly polygrouped mesh. This gave me clean shapes to then extract and panel loop!

I still have some cleanup to do on some of the polygroups with janky edges that I missed when I did my remeshing, but I was able to extract some clean shapes from this that are ready to have some curves and IMM stitching.


I decided that those panels weren’t laid out in a way that I was happy, so I did it again. I also created polygroups on the gloves after sculpting back some of the missing details.




I’m tired of typing, so here’s a big picture dump:



Suit Fancy Render1.png

Suit Fancy Render5.png

Ship Blockout 1.png

Ship Blockout 22.png

Ship Blockout 41.png



I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

Oh snap, this is my second feature! That’s exciting! Thanks for the love errybuddeh!

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This turned out amazing in the end good job!
good luck in the render challenge

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I do recognize this character… even couldn’t tell the name… so i do not know much about this except a worm somekind of using a human like body… but :open_mouth: the modelling, textureing and the animation :crazy_face: loving it.

Edit: spelling

Thanks! It’s Earthworm Jim, he had a series of games, as well as a pretty successful cartoon run in the 90s

Yeah sometimes you know something about some thing but you don’t know much about it so you don’t really know it but only something… :crazy_face:
But as i said: Even then it’s instantly recognisable without looking at ref… so: Good work.

Thanks a bazillion frando!

You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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Hey great work man, I saw the livestream. Congrats on top 100, mine didnt make it but you did an amazing job on the character alone.

That’s an insane amount of work, each part (modeling, composition, rig, render…) is equally polished.
Well done !!

As a side note it’s interesting to see in the breakdown that it has taken a bunch of trial and errors to find the right place for the ducktaped banana !

Thanks for the kind words everyone. This was a fun project to hammer out, and making it as far as I did in the competition has really inspired me to push myself.

I just finished the third draft of a short horror screenplay that I’m hoping to animate when the time is right. I’m probably going to need to secure some funding for this one to pay for hardware upgrades and voice talent.

Great work, one of my favorites in this competition.

Great work. That is legend!

Awesome! it’s great to see Earhworm Jim in that quality!

I’d like to thank everyone for all of their kind words. I haven’t been here in a while, I’ve been hard at work on a top secret project that I’ll finally be able to show the world next month. But I wanted to stop by and show my appreciation to everyone here. It really means a lot to me as a creator to get such feedback!


awesome work love it :slight_smile:. I remember playing earthworm jim on nintendo 16 bit back in the days. How did you make those eyes move so the mesh stays still since they are oval and not round ?

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Congratulations, this work has been nominated for the ‘Best of Blender Artists 2022’ award in the #vfx category! You can vote for it here.

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