Ipad: Who's gonna get one?

On “Apple Day” Apple presented a new piece of hardware:

Are you gonna get one? To me it’s just an Iphone with a bigger screen.

-EDIT- For that amount of money I can buy a reasonable pc.

This is soooo PERFECT for xylofun :))) and yes, we will be getting a few of those! … can’t wait to get my hands on Flash 5 and that puppy!

Not me. For $500 I can get a laptop that can run GNU Linux, gimp and blender.

you got it right…


  • note: the picture is not accurate because you could do multi-tasking with 4 iPod Touches


Not to mention all the other applications that can’t run on some custom “A4 Chip”. I mean, really, I’d much rather pay an additional $500 for a decent tablet pc, than just $500 for an “IPad” that can only run Apple approved software.

That’s just my perspective as a fairly “technical” guy, but for people who just use computers as really expensive multimedia devices, this thing is probably better.

Also, you got to give the Apple guys points for style; that is a very sleek design.

PS: This whole “touch screen interface” craze reminds me of an interview with Eben Moglen, and this quote specifically:

never jump in to be a first. allyou are is a beta tester, and insted of them paying you, you pay them, and even over pay. wait for the updates to fix it, and the price drops. you can always get more for less later. what if it hadnot been released? you would have gotten by without it, you can do the same untill the bugs are out and the price drops, get more for less later.

+1 too

I was quite interested in the e-reader kindle for a while, lucky I did put one on lay-by just yet as this thing can do everything the kindle can do, and then wash the dishes afterwards. After seeing this, I will wait a few for research and stuff and see if something better comes as competition. Never know, next year, there will be something from microsoft that serves as a 3D Avatar screen and do whatever this gizmo do, and what the e-reader does too.

This whole “touch screen interface” craze reminds me of an interview with Eben Moglen, and this quote specifically:

Reminds me of when I video taped my co-worker playing need for speed on his iPhone. He was tilting his head so he could see the screen. At a distance it looked like some type of rare epilepsy or something.

I think the tilt controls are a great idea. The only problem with iPad and iPhone is that you are tilting the monitor too!! Wonder how many people are going to get neck injuries.

No thanks, I hope it flops. I would like it in the future, when it doesn’t have to be so expensive and you could run you know, real programs on it.

ugh, why didn’t Apple do it like this? http://www.axiotron.com/index.php?id=modbook

It pains me to see Apple dedicating man hours to the iphone OS as opposed to their desktop OS, I think a proper tablet running the latest OSX would have been a much better idea. Then again I’m now a linux convert, so what does it matter to me?

Does anyone know anyone who wants one? I’ve only seen one on another forum buthe’s an die hard iTard so he doesn’t count.

I heard it had these things

-Weak processor
-No phone capability
-No Adobe Flash
-No multi-tasking
-Only 16 gigabytes of memory unless you want to pay a fortune
-Very expensive

All in all, just an oversized Iphone with a few things from the Iphone missing. Wait till the competitors copy this and make it better.

I think like most apple products, this looks like it uses worse hardware at a higher price, and doesn’t do anything better that tablets currently available.

But it fits in a manila envelope!

There are already a number of similar devices with some neat capabilities and some that are set to arrive shortly. Just a couple of minutes of searching turns up a few-



The MSI tablet looks the best to me, at least you get the sleek look of the Ipad and a good chunk of the things the Ipad can’t do.:yes:

I think like most apple products, this looks like it uses worse hardware at a higher price, and doesn’t do anything better that tablets currently available.

Not to mention that Apple does what is known and software, and hardware lock in.
After you pay the $500, you still have to go to their little “APP store” monopoly, to add new software. They squeeze every penny they can out of you. It would not surprise me if Apple started charging for software and firmware updates , if they ever get hard up for cash.

They will have to change the name soon.
These guys came up with the iPad in 2005…first!

People should wait for the bigger version, the iPad Maxi.


Perhaps even the WiMax version. The WiMax iPad