Ipad: Who's gonna get one?

I disagree with that notion. While it’s true that Linux isn’t for everyone, it’s also true that Windows, Mac etc. isn’t for everyone too.

Very true, as well. But this is how I see it: If a computer loses the abillity to work with other operating systems, then it doesn’t simply loose it’s status as a computer. However, if the iPad did not have pages or keynote (the equivelent of word and powerpoint), then the device would be marketed as a multimedia device and not a computer.

For instance, the iPhone has many of the same functions as a computer; however, the lack of an identifiable word processer forces Apple to market the iPhone as a phone, and not a handheld computer.

The same case is with the PS3. The fact that it lacks convient access to certain computer functions forces Sony to market the system as a console (that does everything, apparently).

My point is that the abillity to change OS or to partition your hard drive between to OSs is not a reason why the average consumer calls the system “a computer that can cover their general needs.” If, in a certain case, the computer looses a more important function like word processing or internet browsing, then the computer becomes specialized (built for a specific purpose). When a computer can do everything… well that’s just high-tech.

But, as I said, a computer only needs to run one OS to be considered a computer.


Personally, I think the picture on the first page says it all. It’s just an oversized iPod touch.

I found that blog post interesting : 8 things that suck about the Ipad (Gizmodo)
Quick overview :

  • Big, ugly bezel
  • No multitasking (personal note : I can’t believe this is true)
  • No Cameras
  • Touch Keyboard
  • No HDMI Out
  • The Name iPad
  • No Flash
  • Adapters, Adapters, Adapters

Update: Why stop at 8? Here are more things we are discovering that suck about the iPad.

  • It’s Not Widescreen
  • Doesn’t Support T-Mobile 3G
  • A Closed App Ecosystem

The interesthing topic would be :
Why would someone buy an Ipad over any other device?
Except the reading experience that seems to bring the user a bit closer to reading a readl book/newspaper; I don’t see any pros that would convince me or any average user to buy it.

If you see some pros, I would be interested in hearing your opinion.

There are far better screens for reading than the ipad’s.


The funny thing about the iPad is that Acorn, the company that designed the first ARM CPU, built something similar more than 15 years ago. It was called the “Acorn NewsPAD”. See Google for pictures and more info.

It’s worth mentioning because there are lots of Apple fanboys complaining about everyone else “stealing” Apple’s ideas…

The fact is that Linux has one of the best audio subsystems available in mainstream operating systems today. ALSA allows any cheap onboard sound adapter to run at latencies below 4ms. It is EXTREMELY flexible and configurable. JACK allows you to route audio and MIDI between applications in any way you can imagine. There is nothing comparable in either Windows or Mac OS.

The reason why you experience lag is because you are using either Ubuntu or Fedora (aka. “Linux for Idiots”) or some derivative. These distros force you to participate in a big beta test of a new sound daemon called “PulseAudio”. It sits on top of ALSA and causes all kinds of issues: delay, choppy playback, crackles, memory leaks, high CPU load, crashes. This is what newbies experience as “audio on Linux”. But that’s BS. Install Debian and you’ll see how Linux audio works when PulseAudio is absent. You can also remove PulseAudio from a default Ubuntu install if you like. All you need to do is enter these two commands:

sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-alsa gnome-alsamixer
sudo apt-get purge pulseaudio gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio vlc-plugin-pulse

But please don’t blame Linux for the idiocy of its distro maintainers. You don’t know what you are missing.

I use Linux, but even Windows and OSX users don’t have all their software controlled by a single company. That’s my main beef with this product.

Me, I’m hanging out for the Macbook Wheel

eye208 wrote:

…The reason why you experience lag is because you are using either Ubuntu or Fedora (aka. “Linux for Idiots”) or some derivative. These distros force you to participate in a big beta test of a new sound daemon called “PulseAudio”. It sits on top of ALSA and causes all kinds of issues: delay, choppy playback, crackles, memory leaks, high CPU load, crashes. This is what newbies experience as “audio on Linux”. But that’s BS. Install Debian and you’ll see how Linux audio works when PulseAudio is absent. You can also remove PulseAudio from a default Ubuntu install if you like. All you need to do is enter these two commands:

[LEFT]sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-alsa gnome-alsamixersudo apt-get purge pulseaudio gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio vlc-plugin-pulse[/LEFT]

But please don’t blame Linux for the idiocy of its distro maintainers. You don’t know what you are missing.

That is very interesting, I admit that while evrything runs perfectly in ubuntu 9.04 I do have some problems with the sound codecs in composition, while they are not present in windows xp. I do prefer to work with ubuntu its faster and more stable.

If you dont mind I will make a new thread from your post

Thanks eye208, your advice worked, I got rid of pulseaudio and now I dont have any problems with the sequencer.


P.S. I am keeping ubuntu though

I don’t want to partake in the future if Computer graphics and power reverts back to the level of 1995-98 and stays there as more display and case glitz is added.

Then there’s Apple’s idea that glossy screen which reflects the lights and obscures the display = good, they must be members of that lobbyist group made up of eye doctors.


… says it all

^ ^ ^ ^ my thoughts exactly :slight_smile:

“there are lots of Apple fanboys complaining about everyone else “stealing” Apple’s ideas”
Ugh, I absolutely hate that- show me any feature apple has introduced on one of their devices, and I guarantee you I can find the same feature on a device many years older. Apple doesn’t innovate, what they do is bundle other people’s ideas into extremely marketable and appealing packages. I don’t doubt that the iPad will sell incredibly well, just like the iPod and iPhone- none of them are superior, or in many ways even equal to devices years older than they are, but they’re marketed far better. Unfortunately, that’s what translates into success.

That said, my family owns a fair bit of stock in apple so I fully support anything that raises its worth, so long as I don’t have to actually use any of those products (save their real computers. I quite like my macbook pro, even though I could easily get a laptop twice as powerful for 2/3 the price…)

No multi-tasking.

No flash.

Over priced and under featured.

Limited to apples choice of codec(s) I believe it only supports one video codec.

I know I won’t be purchasing this. Ever.

Although I’m quite looking forward to some of the tablets being brought out for Android and Windows 7. Also some of the newer E-readers look incredibly nice and are quite feature rich and cheap compared to Apple’s joke of a product.

And in six month there will be a second generation of this, maybe cheaper, with some of the features this one is lacking.

oh hai everybody

A lot of the complaints about the ipad comes from the assumption that the ipad is meant to be used as a computer. The ipad isn’t meant to be used as a “computer”, but more like an iphone with extra features.

Apple has always made stuff that have less features, but excel at the features it does support. The ipad is par for the course for an apple product.

If you press blu-tack over a printed document or image, it will retain a faded copy.

That counts as built in camera I’d say.

Blu-Tack wins!


having fun with pictures? :smiley:


[EDIT] and here is a longer version of TheANIMAL’s comparison chart: http://i359.photobucket.com/albums/oo39/metropolis_light_trasport/comparison.jpg?t=1265168763
