JArch Vis inverted shingles

Hi! In case you saw my question from yesterday, welcome back, i’m facing the next two “problems”.
Problem 1: When im converting this plane to the roofing from JArch Vis, the shingles somehow come out inverted. How do i fix that? On the left roof it somehow worked.

Problem 2: As you can see, the shingles on the left roof are lined up parallel to the lowest edge of the plane, can i rotate the shingles itself (not the whole plane) so that they are lined up parallel with the ridge (highest edge)?

Thanks in advance!


I have just checked that add-on you mentioned above and noticed that it is a very old one, and it’s probably incompatible with the new Blender versions. Maybe that’s the case?

Anyway, I’ve just installed it, if you wish, you may drop your .blend file and I’ll take a look at it.

It is no longer being updated.
Look at the contents of the link.

[Addon] JARCH Vis - Coding / Released Scripts and Themes - Blender Artists Community

Alternatively, you can make it from a lower blender version.

Prob 1. The face is inverted. Flip the normals on the original, not the JArch mesh.

Prob 2. :man_shrugging:t4: