This is the train cult discussion topic. If you have any questions, or would simply like to join this train cult, you may do so here.
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This is the train cult discussion topic. If you have any questions, or would simply like to join this train cult, you may do so here.
Thank you.
Anything for my fellow train cult Members! Count me in.
Yee. We love a good train moment
Thomas the train would be very proud
Very, we shall make his legacy live on.
Amen I agree
The last time I’ve seen one of these faux cult threads was back in my teen years (in an old forum for users of GameMaker), I attempted to create something called the Goose cult back then.
That was at least 15 years ago, I didn’t know people still did these.
But the real Question is, are you with us or not?
Well, welcome to your teen years
May your dreams ever come true
Hopefully you have many good dreams
I’m in, I love sitting in trains watching the world go by and daydreaming.
Trains go through the country side, crops, cows, horses, behind factories, peoples back yards, dogs barking, eagles flying off, beautiful Iron bridges, STEAM, I love it all.
The worst bit is when you arrive and are forced back to reality!
This is a true cult member
I could go on but I cut it short, the sound of the tracks………………!
Unfortunately I got got a driving licence at 50
Life is not the same.
Sounds sad…
I shall be a proud member of this cult. Trains need more praise than they get.
I like trains!
You have been promoted! Your dedication and love of trains is found acceptable by the train gods!
Good. Join us.