JWC's Sketchbook

I am just learning in unity for a class at my school, and I think it would be a cool asset.


Some Geonodes fun:

AKA trying to just mess around until I know how they work because there are no good tutorials I could find, If you have any that worked for you, please let me know


I made some asset’s for a unity game I am making, though they don’t have textures because unity doesn’t support blender shader nodes (So sad) so instead I just slapped wood images from the web on them, and IDK if the images are copywrite:
A crate:

A torch:

Materials are usually renderer-specific, so at this point there is really no way for any external game engine to understand any DCCS’s internal materials.

What most every game dev does with procedural textures is “bake” them before exporting. It’s not super difficult for starters, just a little fiddly.

However, both Blender and Unity support PBR materials, and they transfer pretty well; I’ve rarely had a problem with a simple setup and an FBX export. So if that’s what you have, image-based textures hooked into a Principled BDSF, that’s the workflow you can use. Let me find a quick tutorial:

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Thanks for the feedback, in blender, I generally only do procedural textures now, because they are much more fit for my workflow, and work better, and it is just a simple game asset, and I don’t feel like going through the hassle of baking, or making the textures, so I just add the stock wood images in unity, because in my scene, the textures aren’t that visible anyways, but I am going through baking textures with my spaceship, but it is still disappointing, because my spaceship exhaust is an animated texture, and I wanted to use it, but it looks like I will have to use the bake tool to bake like a hundred different versions of it.


I just made these yesterday, quick assets also for my game, the theme is a kind of mineshaft thing, I don’t really know where I am going with it, but here they are:

The fuze was made by extruding towards the mouse in orthographic mode
And here is a rock I made with a displacement modifier set to the clouds texture generated by blender and scaled way down:

And a basic barrel, forgot how I made this:

I kinda can’t see it:


I’m not in any way recommending this, just reminiscing, but I got really good at sneaking my laptop out at night and back before my parents woke up wayyy back in my day


Yeah, just trying to get good grace with my parents, and I could do that, but I would end up staying up till 6:30 and waking up @ 7 being totally hammered.

Also, Minami,
Sorry I didn’t respond earlier, it’s been a tough week, but here is the Dropbox with all the files, sorry the imbed didn’t work :slightly_frowning_face:

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Well, it’s been a while, here is another one of my works, just made it as a demonstration for how to use subdiv surface for some kids wanting to know how I modeled rounded things, but I spent a bunch of time on it, but I think it turned out well:

These are my latest renders, but since then I have fixed a couple of things here and there, but it isn’t done yet, so more updates soon? Idk if I will have time.


Also, forgot to render, but I made a dripstone asset for unity a while back.

Nice update! Those two stabilizer-like wings that go to the tip of the longest one looks nice.


I really like the look of this, very sleek and fast.


Thank you! I will try to make more frequent ones, but this will be my new project.

Yeah, I was going for like a sort of modern sports car in an alien, or super futuristic spaceship, that was why I went with the carbon fiber texture for the majority of the spaceship.
Does anyone have tips on where I should improve?


finally some work from you! Looking cool and good!

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It depends on what you want. Do you want windows? How long do you plan on spending on this project?


I don’t know about “should”, but I am generally drawn to artwork that has a definite purpose and/or story, where I can imagine it fitting in a scene, can see it in a context that gets me thinking. Artwork doesn’t have to have a story, but I find I spend longer looking at and thinking about it if it does.

That’s not what I do myself though – at this point I do things that further my skills and don’t worry about creating interesting scenes. And the “should” is in quotes because I can’t answer that without seeing a highly specific context for somebody else’s work, something where you might ask “in order to improve X, what should I do?” So it’s really entirely up to you. Maybe creating a whole bunch of different sleek and fast models would be interesting and helpful to you at this point. Or a series of different models that fulfill different purposes in the same imagined universe, and not all of them need to be sleek or fast. Or put a lot more detail on this model. Or maybe a definite concept scene would be more your thing. Many possibilities…


I don’t know how much time I will have, but I plan on adding to it here and there, as well as rendering the actual animations of my other spaceship, also I am aiming for a look of kind of a cross between a cockpit like this:

and a side intake like this but rounded:


Yes, there are indeed, many possibilities…

I generally try to give my scene something that could be food for a story, but not make it too detailed, because the viewer’s imagination is better than any animation or story I could make. But I am thinking of putting it on a planet in the end maybe landing, but I don’t know yet, but I am planning on working a little on it every day.