Kara V2 (V2) - Original Character [Finished (again)]

Hi all,

Moved this over to the WIP section becasue it’s been ages since I did a WIP thread (feels like it, anyway…)

A few years back, I made a character called Kara, who is the MC in a book i’m on-and-off working on. My skills have improved a bit since then, so I want to take another crack at her, and try and get a more accurate depiction of her. I’ll only be doing a portrait this time though, rather than the full character model.

Original ‘Focused Critique’ post:

Working on something new for the first time in a good while, and I’m a little rusty.

Unlike my usual character projects, this is actually an ‘original’ character, though of course I am using some references - mix matching certain bits - therefore it shouldn’t looks like anyone in particular. For the most part, you can ignore the brows and lashes, which have been thrown on just to help a little - I’ll delete them soon once I’m happy with the sculpt.

Quick render with the base skin texture:

I do feel like the mouth is a little pouty, but the side profile looks fine to me :person_shrugging:

Just want to get the shapes right before I move on, and I know fresh eyes will help.




It looks really good- it might just be the lack of hair, but the forehead seems slightly too high? That’s an area with a lot of natural variation though so it might not even be worth mentioning

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Yeah, I think it is a little high now you mention it. It does look better with “hair” though.

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Made a lot of tweaks around the eyes and to the overall facial shape. Getting closer to a place where I’m happy.

The general shape and form is now more or less right, but something is still off around the mouth I think - something to do with the cheeks perhaps? I’ve also accidentally made her look a little older than intended, which seems to be something I do a lot :person_shrugging: - so gonna have to fix that.

Uploading: Kara-Head-Sculpt-028.png…

Uploading: Kara-Head-Sculpt-033.png…

Gonna move this over to the WIP section. Been ages since I’ve done a WIP thread anyway…


Did some more work on the sculpt, and have also added the new brows and lashes.

The plan was to use the new hair system for this project, but I tried to do the brows to start with, as I thought it would be nice and simple. But I found the sculpting tools really unresponsive and annoying, and just combing a curve into place took me ages. I’m sure I was doing something wrong, but I’ve gone back to what I know, and am using what I guess is now the ‘legacy’ system.

Still some tweaks to make to her sculpt, but I’m happier than I was yesterday.


So, I really wasn’t too happy. Certain things looked a little weird, and I think I’d also made her head a little small, which made the eyes seem weird. So, I started again…

I’m much happier with the overall shape and sculpt. Only small tweaks now, but I think I’m at a point where I can move on…

If you spot anything weird, let me know, as I’ve gone completely blind to this now…


Apart from some strange particle hair behaviour, things are moving quite nicely. I’ve got most of my skin maps done now, and she’s looking good so far.

I thought I’d go into detail a little about how I use displacement maps from Texturing XYZ with Blender. I’m sure I’m massively overcomplicating the process, but here goes…

I start with my simple base texture, which I use for all of my characters. I used Wrap3D a long time ago to make this once, and because I use the same base mesh, I get to use it for all of my characters, which save saves a lot of time - same goes for the skin diffuse map too.

The default output though isn’t great, due to the mesh changing during sculpting, which inevitably results in some stretching, and things coming out of alignment. So the next step is to clear that up, which I do in substance painter. I use the projection painter, using the original XYZ Displacement map to paint onto areas that need fixing.

I also paint a mid value grey around areas I want to have no displacement, such as lips, ears, neck etc… this then gives me the following map.

I export that map out in Substance, and then in photoshop, split it into it’s 3 separate layers: R, G, and B, or secondary, tertiary, and micro (I think that’s what they’re called)

Then I bring everything into Blender.

I start by adding 3 levels of subdivision using the Multires modifer. I then apply that. This is an important step, as it hard sets the model into its shape, which is important later.

Next, I will add another Multires, and set it, once again, to 3 levels. I then add 3 displacement modifiers, and into each one, I plug the individual displacement layers. I tweak their values until it looks right. For me, those values are incredibly low, at 0.0016, 0.0012, and 0.000016. Textures are all set to non-color data.

The next step is to transfer this data, onto a duplicate mesh. The reason for this is because I want to easily be able to remove parts of the displacement if I want to, without affecting the underlying geometry. By using the transfer data, I can simply use the multires erase brush to remove any displacement that I don’t like, as it simply treats it as sculpting data. (See the nose below)

It’s then just a case of filling in the gaps. Lips I like to do manually, as you get more control, and often, you might want to match the lips specifically to a reference, if using one. I use a skin brush pack I bought from the Blender market a long time ago. Oddly enough, the latest version of Blender seems to have broken them, so I had to use the previous version, where they still worked as intended… :person_shrugging:

This is then simply baked out into a new map, using the bake from Multires which is a life saver.

I did the same for the scar this character has also, baking it out to its own map for finer control.

And that’s how I do skin details. Over complicated? Perhaps… Does it work? Yes, yes it does…


Skin details look amazing, But I wonder if what you’re making is too perfect anatomically speaking?

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If you mean adding some asymmetry, then worry not! I’ve not got to that yet, but I will be :slight_smile:

Went and threw some clothing together. It’s not amazing, but it’ll do!

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It’s not asymmetry, in my opinion it’s more that the face is too perfect like the jaw could cut glass and the collarbone is almost shrinkwrapped though since I’ve posted it does look better, though I think the forehead may be too high.

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Added the two main fill systems for the hair, split in two - one for the main hair, and the other for the ponytail itself.

Everything very square and harsh right now, so next step is to soften the hairline up, add some depth, and then add some noise with fly aways etc…

Main hair is also a little sparse atm, so I need to fill a few more areas with parent hairs, most notably towards the back of the head.

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If I close my eyes, I can still see hair particles…so many of them. Help!

Endless tweaking has already been done, and Ive still a little more to do around the hairline to get it just right, but it’s not far off now. Little sneak peak at how she’s lookin’


Well, I finished her. Go take a look, if you like: Kara - Original Character Portrait :blush:

Reminds me of Nariko from Heavenly Sword


can you tell me what is the difference between yours are his head?

Hi, Im not quite sure what you’re asking?

I believe he wants me to identify what is lacking in Vitruvian Project compared to your Kara, but these two characters couldn’t be more different in intention.

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Ooh right, gotcha. Yeah, like comparing Apples and Oranges.

no boss your character has fat pads that we are still figuring out with @hopefullyidont1