KDLynch's Non-Blender (Mostly 2d) Artwork

^ above here is to hold current thumbnail

Okay, after much (or rather no) arm twisting by @joseph , I’m going to put a thread here chronicling my hopeful re-entry into artwork, 2d and otherwise. Blender stuff will remain in my Blendoodles thread ( Blendoodles by KDLynch )

So, if you’re not into non-blendery stuff, please ignore or mute this topic. :slight_smile:

I used to do a lot of artwork, mostly mixed-media. But that was 20+ years ago. Life and work and marriage and kids, grandkids, and myriad other things have since taken over, putting all the old hobbies on the backburner. or the shed. or some distant storage unit one has forgotten about. :smiley:

A year or so ago, I started to dip one solitary pinky toe back in, as I was asked to come up with some backdrops for a children’s theatre play, an adaptation of The Hobbit. I had an old wacom tablet from years and year prior, but since it used a serial cable, and didn’t want to play nice with a usb>serial adapter, i bought a graphics tablet. Much easier to see what you’re drawing, where you are drawing. :smiley: Unfortunately, it did not have tilt support. So here’s my foray into using that tablet for those Hobbit backdrops:

there were a few other images i used as well (mainly mirkwood), but they were screen rips of the animated Hobbit movie; i did not have time to complete those before showtime. >whistles innocently<

The images were projected, and using some coding between my lighting software and the projection software, i was able to flip or fade between these images when needed. For instance, flashing between the 2nd and 3rd images in time with the lights (and thunder sounds) to create the storm before Bilbo & co. first run into the trolls, or fading in the sunrise near the end of the troll scene.

A couple of shows since, we had assets from the production company that I was able to tweak for adjustments to their plays. Only one other show did I go all out to create backdrops for, a Neil Diamond tribute act. However, those are fully animated, and not sure just how to upload those to here to show.

Well, fast forward to today. I ordered a new graphics tablet, this time .with. tilt. :smiley: and hopefully this thread will serve as a motivator for me to actually use it, and not have it collect as much dust as the previous.

I’ve spent some time this morning scanning old artwork as well, stuff that hasn’t been sold or thrown-out or whathaveyou, from the early to mid 90s, back when i was doing art far more regularly. I may be sharing some of those as I clean them up. I still need to decide what, if anything, I will do with the remainder. Many have NSFW elements, those will not be posted here, other than perhaps links if I create a site for them.

Another form of art I’ve worked on is music. And again, there’s been long gaps between briefly productive moments. The latest bits, over a couple years ago now, can be found on my Soundcloud, if you are interested. ( https://soundcloud.com/kdlynch/tracks )

This post has been approved by Cthulhu:


Back in college, I loved playing around with QLC+ (I didn’t have a board or anything, just some uber-cheap LED RGB cans), I miss that. There’s something so cool about affecting lights in real space, even though nowadays I usually just mess around with LED strips I still love it. I wish I could have seen your production, sounds cool :grin:

Nice backgrounds!


Thank you! :smiley: they were hurried, and a bit hard for me to look at some of them now, knowing had I managed time better, they would have been better.

Though I still really like the rough cave looks, especially the ‘Invisibilty’ one… the kid playing Gollum is also a ballerina, and did an amazing job pulling off Gollum’s creepiness. The backdrop fit the scene amazingly well.

hehe, actually, i do use QLC+ for light control. we have an ETC expression board, but it really only comfortably handles one universe, so I have that set just for the incandescents for rental usage. That, and my arms are only so long… can’t comforably reach the audio board and light board at the same time, so QLC sits on my laptop right next to me. Audio with the left hand, busking lights with the right. :smiley:

Since i’ve started there, I’ve expanded to multiple universes, something QLC+ handles well, as well as communicating with Chataigne which I use to control the projections and (for things like the children’s plays where I have up to 30 live mics) even the audio console. :slight_smile:

That children’s group will be doing a rendition of Wizard of Oz this fall, and I’ve again been asked to do backdrops for that, so more along that line will come up. I’ll have to set up some private youtube videos so the backdrops can be seen in action, since I’m now trying to do some subtle animations in them.


Backgrounds have a nicely graphic quality which I imagine suits the stage, bet they looked great projected. Cool Cthulu too


thank you very much! Cthulhu is getting old… that one was done in 1990. :smiley:


New tablet should arrive Tuesday yayyy :slight_smile:

Instead of actually being productive and beginning drawing again before the tablet arrives, I’ve been digitizing what old artwork I still have left. So, I will show you some… older stuff. :smiley:

This is the oldest one I’ve come across… looks like anything older is long gone. This was done based on a friend’s car. Proportions are totally off, but hey, it’s the oldest one right?
(untitled - 1986 - pencil)

Now, another friend a year later also had a mustang… later pony year model, that he was just sooo proud of. So I had to tease him:
(Kelstang - ~1987 - pen & pencil)
the kelstang later saw life as a 3d model, one of my most ambitious. built in LW 4 or 5, and a few variants. unfortunately the lwo files have been corrupted over the years, but at some point i’d like to dig what data i can out of them and rebuild all the kelstang variants. i had also done a low-poly set which saw life in TrackMania Nations. not sure if those are still haunting the 'net somewhere or not.

Apparently, there was a gap after that, due to job changes, etc. there was a resurgency in the early 90s, mostly for illustrating various (tabletop) RPG campaigns I was running around that time. Here’s a sample:
(all 1991, graphic liners)

then skip a few more years until '95… the dark period. most of the artwork i still have from this time will not be shared here, either due to nsfw content or themes a wee bit too dark for a public forum. but looking at it, this was probably my fastest growth in art, as well as branching out in both styles and media:

(The Rock - 04/1995 - pen & ink)

(The mask - 04/1995 - graphic liner)

(Caged - 04/1995 - marker)

(The Other Side - 05/1995 - pencil)

(Farewell - 05/1995 - ink wash)

(untitled - 05/1995 - sharpy/colored pencil)

Somewhere around this point I started working on canvas in acrylics. None of those are around anymore, though I have some pictures of them on the previous laptop. Still a lot of dark imagery, but some occasional peaks of light.

(untitled - 11/1995 - watercolor)

(k.i.s.s.i.n.g. - 4/1996 - pen/pencil … this one was a study for a larger painting that did sell)

(untitled - 4/1997 - colored ink)

(untitled - ?/1997 - pen/watercolor pencils)

from '98 till the pictured mentioned in the first post? nada for physical art. i did do some 3d stuff (bryce, lightwave, etc) from then until the early 2000s, and there was a short period around 10 years ago where i revisited miniature painting (tabletop wargames) something i hadn’t done since the early 80s, though i haven’t kept up with that leaving me with hordes of unpainted minis. :smiley:

thank you for taking the time to go through all of that, and i leave you with my magnum opus:


Just a couple more I intended on posting yesterday. :slight_smile:

(Chrysler XT - 1990 - graphic liner & mebbe sharpie?)

(untitled - 1994 - graphic liner)


well, unfortunately new tablet will not be arriving tomorrow. shipper damaged it earlier this morning (while still in transit) and is auto-returning it. i’ll order again once the refund processes, and the price deal is still available. :frowning:

old sketch from circa '95 … was for rpg campaign i was running around then.


while going through some old drives (some with corrupt data, alas) i came across some of the larger format work i was doing back then. I no longer have the originals of these, as they were sold or gifted or donated out


(stippling / coloured ink via pen & nib)

(stippling graphic liner / pencil)

(stippling graphic liner)

(stippling graphic liner / coloured pencil)


I’ve always had a thing for those drawings like With a Little Help – that anamorphic style where the drawing is of somebody drawing with some of it popping out into pretend-3D. I think the first example of that I remember noting was Escher’s Drawing Hands. But trompe l’oeil is even older; I just don’t remember being conscious of it before. My relationship with art is… disturbed.


With a Little Help was originally displayed in the same frame with Highland Sunset, like a before/after piece. Was my first piece that i felt confident enough in to enter a juried exhibit, which it won, suprising me. :slight_smile: It was also the last (physical art) piece I entered into a competition, giving me a perfect win ratio. :smiley:


Hey, a win is a win :grin:

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Love “With a little help” + “Highland Sunset”, both remind me of Brian Froud :sunflower:


i didn’t recognize the name (it’s been a quarter-century, after all), but yes, i have three of his books, Faeries with Alan Lee, and Lady Cottington’s Pressed Fairy Book (which is artistically quite humourous) and Strange Stains & Mysterious Smells, both with Terry Jones, so I’m sure he was a major influence on my art. :slight_smile:


Thanks, I enjoyed walking through your arts. It’s great!
Also, you made music!? I like it. Sorta reminded me of “Star Guitar,” and not really as well. My current traveling time is well spent.


aye, my most recent (which is not all that recent) is on the soundcloud linked in the first post. and yes, on the tracks with vocals, that’s me singing. :slight_smile:

thank you for taking the time to travel through this thread, and for the compliments. :slight_smile: i hope to soon find some time to add some new stuff to it. :slight_smile: cheers!


Just got to the vocal part.
Sweet stuff!


So sitting in the car, waiting on wifey’s dr appointment, i finally put pen to paper again (in an “artistic” way) in a … well, very long time. just some stippling studies. i left the pencil guides, will erase those once the page is done. :slight_smile:


As penance for telling @joseph to draw rounded cubes on his 2D Learning and Practice - #270 by KDLynch (nsfw) thread, I’m stippling some during down moments at work. Here’s the one done today.