Blendoodles by KDLynch

[Current thumbnail above ^ … First post below v]

New to blenderartist, and to blender as a whole, though I did work with 3d before (bryce, lightwave 5, etc, about 20 years or so ago).
Inspired by daily renders by a reddit user (gqbd), I decided to get back into the realm, doing a daily doodle while learning the various bits of blender in my spare time.

Since this is my first post here, a couple notes: If I understand the FAQ correctly, I can post multiple images in this one topic, rather than creating multiple topics for future doodles, so I will be trying that. >>fingers crossed<< Also, if I’m doing things wrong for this forum, please let me know so I can fix that. :slight_smile: Thank you!


Welcome to BA
Yes you can once you have the trust level increased…the best way to do that is to do the New User Tutorial which should have been in the Bots first DM to you…after you do that you can ask the Bot about the advanced users tutorial…
You gain by adding post, reading and replying to post, giving likes ( limited amount for new users ). Spend some time going through the new post in here as well as in the help sections…
You can see there are many users that have a running post called Sketchbook or something along those lines and they are just like what you are doing, you daily doodles and a record of success and maybe failures…along your Blending.
You can also add yor images to out Revel Image comparison Slider, half filled star.
With it you can display the final render as well as sey, the wire frame of your Blend…
Happy Blending!


Thank you. :slight_smile: I’ll have to check out the Reveal Image thing certainly. I did have this post in the wrong category at first (Finished Artwork), but noticed another poster doing the same in Sketchbook, so fortunately I was still able to edit to post and move it to the proper category. When I finish a render tonight, I’ll attempt adding that to this post, while also updating the thumbnail. Should prove … interesting. :smiley:

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Okay, so trying to edit the 1st post to make it into a thumbnail holder thingy did not work… perhaps my level is not high enough yet.

Here’s today’s render, made in Cycles with GeoNodes. I made more progress with the terrain generation geo-node setup. Not 100% happy with it yet, but it’s coming along nicely, I’m thinking. :slight_smile:


(Cycles, GeoNodes)

Did some cleanup on a geo-node mess I made a week or so ago. Could probably use more cleanup, but at least it no longer bogs down the computer while I’m adjusting its input variables. :smiley: Who’d’a thunk that having boolean unions after all the instancing would have been a bad idea. lol


bit of a giggle: the model & the ummm… wireframemess :smiley:


Okay, so technically this isn’t a doodle… :smiley: It’s my entry for a moth weekend contest over at BA. This will be my first fully hand modeled scene in Blender (i’m not counting the metaballs, or the old scream recreation… as neither of those involved any real modelling), getting used to the keyboard shortcut, googling how various things are accessed (Blender’s UV mapping is a bit differently handled than how I remember Lightwave doing it). While the sigil behind the luna moth could have been done (for the most part) in GeoNodes, I went ahead and modeled those too in Edit mode, with faceless meshes. I did use GeoNodes to convert those to a curve and back again to ‘thicken’ them for rendering as a light source. The Luna Moth itself is pretty stylized, but more detailed than I had intended going in. I did decide against trying to model the hair on the moth too… while that would have been nice for a realistic render, I thought it’d be a step to far for this stylized one. I used the subdiv modelling approach for the most part, with a bit of sculpting on the ‘face’ which i wisely hid, as that’s a mess. :smiley:


Blendoodle 40 (Cycles, GeoNodes)

After the moth scene, time to head back to plain ol’ geo-nodes. All three of these primitives run though the same set of nodes. :slight_smile:


Another simple one for today, but mostly due to all the time wasted trying to figure out how to extrude based on origin point. No luck, so I’ll retackle that again later. :smiley:

Inspired by an image posted by blender_b_2nd on Instagram ( )


playing with the hair system, since I didn’t know enough about it for the moth contest. and of course, I got side tracked once I saw I could use objects instead of hair. :smiley:


Blendoodle 43 (Cycles, GeoNodes)

Made a splitting node group, which allows for straight, angled and curved splits. Still some tweaking to do on it, but (like so many other things I’ve created) is still a work in progress. lol. Also started diving a bit deeper in the shaders. :slight_smile:


Blendoodle 44 (Cycles, GeoNodes)

More stacking o’ cubes and playing with color palettes. :slight_smile:


Welcome to BA! I like your sketchbook so far.
Looking forward to it!


@Minamookevlar thank you very much! :slight_smile:


Blendoodle 45 (Cycles, GeoNodes)

2d-ificated the geonodes i did based on the @tnsor tutorial about noise advection, and had fun ribbonizing them. hopefully you find this tasty. :slight_smile:


Blendoodle 46 (Cycles, Physics)

This took far longer than I anticipated to get set up. Based loosely on an image from @rawandrendered ( ), I finally settled on using physics to get the balls along a curve. I also tried boolean’ng out the spheres from a volume with geonodes, but as you can imagine, that was a disaster. :smiley:


Blendoodle 47 (Cycles, GeoNodes)

A quick one for today, as most of what I experimented with isn’t renderable (saving out alphas, AOs, etc), and I’ve a show that will take up most of today.


Blendoodle 48 (Cycles, GeoNodes)

Experimenting with a collection of shapes on a slightly shifted grid.


Lovely doodles, keep them coming!

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That’s the hope… I’m doing one a day, or at least for the last 48 days I have. lol. :smiley: I use them to learn bits about Blender.

I didn’t join BA until day 36 though, thought it might be silly to add the other 35 images already done to the sketchbook. They are viewable on my instagram account, however.

and thank you! :slight_smile: