keKit for Blender (2.8+)

  1. Probably…
  2. Not sure. Can try!

I’m sorry if this has been answered before! But Does the context select tool no longer select open edges when double-clicked? I’m using kekit 2.021 and Blender 3.4.1.

Never mind, figured it out that I have to toggle it on! Thanks for the great work Kjell.

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I had a look: “screw-mesh” now works.
However, the “ignore wire” one confuses me: It seems to work afaict?
edit: was this more of a selection issue or something? idk. I don’t know how to help you with this one.

Yeah, it seems so :slight_smile:

Oh… Re-read with a fresh mind your original post and the edited one. I thought you we’re saying that you’ve fixed it and demonstrated how the newer version works.
Regarding your vid: isn’t the wired cube has the same blue material?
Checked the issue on the default Blender:

ah, that might’ve been the case. I’ll revisit later.
edit: fixed. just in time for the next big release (very soon) ;>


Soon is now! keKit 2.1 released :slight_smile:

All new prefs system :
Now using standard Add-on prefs model. No longer ‘scene-based’, the reason for long lost.
• Auto-save - You no longer have to remember to save keKit prefs. (Uses add-on prefs)
• Auto-export - Prefs are exported to JSON-file automatically when you close blender.
• Prefs can also be manually exported and imported (for new installs etc.).
Note: Location is fixed at the blender user config folder (as before).
Previous version-prefs can be imported :
Just change the filename (ke_prefs.json → kekit_prefs.json) and import in add-on prefs.
Version checking has been removed .
A browser launcher (url icon) remains in the panel header as quick access for manual checking.

Context Connect (Update)
• Knife mode removed for 2 linked verts (Just subdivides the “edge” now.)

Quick Measure (FIX)
• Freeze mode fixed. (Refresher) VIDEO

Context Delete (FIX)
• Full hierarchy mode now includes hidden children

Get&Set Material (FIX)
• Now ignores WIRE/BOUNDS-display mode target objects
• Object Mode: Now works on “screw modifier mesh”
(Mesh that doesn’t have real faces, only verts & edges (lines))

keKit Modal Status Bar (FIX)
• Unicode symbols (dot + square) were missing on some fonts (changed to most common types)

Extrude Edges+ (FIX)
• Removed some console spam text print

(I’ll update the wiki when I’m not tired…)


Thanks for taking the time to fix the prefs! :heart:
This is truly the best workflow addon ever


Hi! wanna report - after updating 1-3 OrientCombos bit messy (i made not the best prntscn, sorry - but overall problem is there :smiley: )

Should i just reassign 'em or better to wait a fix ?

I don’t understand? What is happening, and what do you expect to happen? (looking at the image the only issue I see is some distortion at the bottom left (which is prob not due to keKit)
I’m gonna need you to draw circles/highlight the areas of interest ;>

Edit: Do you mean the imported settings did not completely transfer? (in that case, there probably wont be a fix any time soon, so you are better off just redoing them.)
edit2: If you could check blender console window for any error msgs (if you try to import the old file again, if you still have it) that could be useful. or PM me the file and I can have a closer look.

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This new prefs system is much better IMHO. Auto-save and url icon - are more convenient.
And thank you so much for implementing our community ideas! :clap:


Nooo) just take a closer look to orient and pivot settings preferences inside OC. There the global was became a local and so on…
Edit. Yep i m on old config for now i will do another switch and check the console

the only thing I noticed is that the changes do not appear automatically always - i have to switch viewports or manipulate the UI a bit (or even opening a new scene) for the panel UI to update (trigger a redraw)
Please check if this helps.

(I will look into adding some kind of “UI update” to the import/reset functions)
edit: fixed the ui update issue ;> (may or may not be related to imapcman’s issues ) I’ll update gumroad shortly.

Just tested newest version and stumbled on this: When I activate Subdivision, the ‘adaptiv’ check box vanish.
I use that on displacement models. Not really want it to vanish.

And thanks for all the updates!

You probably need “Use Limit Surface” for Adaptive to work/show. (Set in the SubD panel for default or in the modifier)

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You are right, that did it.

I can confirm there is something bugged with the Orientation & Pivot ENUMS. I am stumped for now,
WIP, but jfyi.
Edit: I have a fix. A very brute force fix, but since it works, I can revisit later for fancy code (not very likely) updating soon. (Fixed in 2.12!)


Your posts with:

“oh no that’s impossible
E1: maybe not
E2: fixed”

Those are just the best, thanks for the continued updates!


Me again). I often use Ke commands inside of own macroses made with PME addon (quick way to extend usability). for example i used korean toggle set to False before performing normal beveling and set to True before performing another hotkey’s korean beveling. But as i see in last update toggles have changed and i can’t call 'em this way anymore. Do i miss something? can i include anyhow thess toggles into macroses?