And no Algeria DOES NOT make his muslim, but Algeria and Mohamed put together (Mohamed being probably the most common muslim name) means that more than likely he is Muslim.
This is prejudice.
I’m simply asking him not to speak about islam in the group, or weekly challenges.
This is discrimination / censorship. Also prejudice. Why do you expect him to talk about his religion in a 3D modeling group? If you really want to exclude all other religions from your world you should first see if anybody even tries to mention their religion and only then scold them.
I wonder why other people aren’t allowed to speak about their religion when you are pushing yours in EVERY MESSAGE in your signature, that seems hypocritical.
You try to keep the discussion light but the attitude and viewpoint you are displaying is nothing light and could get you into a world of trouble dealing with colourful demographic of internet users.
Don’t hate you friend I never said I hated muslims. But Some Radical Muslims, have killed MANY Christians and Jews for allah.
PS: I feel you should know, I’m Jewish/Christian. Perhaps your worst enemy, perhaps not Many Blessings upon you
Listen, it’s my group, so don’t worry about it They can speak of their god anywhere else, but in my group, I prefer they are silent of it in the group. Okay? Now please! STOP! No more arguing, we already went through all this. If you want to argue create your own thred for that!
WTF? :mad:
You gonna be kidding me :eek:
No Muslim kills christian! Muslims don’t kill anybody! As a human, we don’t even kill animals (except some of them just for eating protein!)
Who said Muslim killed Jewish or Christian. (don’t say anything about USA TV and USA NEWS. 'Cause I couldn’t find anything true in them,)
If You wanna talk about this. You can find my SkypeID in my Profile. I’m not HACKER. I’m not TERRORIST. I’ll prove it. (send me PM if you don’t have skype account. I’ll give you email or any other account in Chat clients i joined.)
You and any other Christian are totally safe in Muslim countries. I’ve seen many of theme came here as tourist every year. (Specially in IRAN. A proverb says: “Guest is friend of GOD. No matter who.”)
No Muslim did or will harm any Christian (or people of any other religion)
Read more. Search more. Don’t judge people if you don’t know them much. (If you are asking me, Don’t judge people at all. Just GOD can judge us.)
If you see someone, count them as best person you ever met. Except if they prove you wrong.
I don’t know who put this in your mind.
Please wash you ayes. Se things in different way.
I have a Christian friend from in Florida. She loves Muslims and Iran. I don’t know why you hate us. But, as last wish, please think again.
Hate doesn’t make things better.
Think again friend.
Radical Muslims don’t harm anyone.
Some Astray Muslims sometimes killed Radical Muslims. (But they didn’t harm any other person until now!!!)
One of my friends has seen you posts about Islam and couldn’t believe that this words are coming from a USA teenager. (not USA government)
I’m really looking forward to talk to you and work with you my friend.
You are nice person. I know you heard some unclear things and that made you think that Muslims are harmful or something. So i don’t blame you. I can prove you they were wrong.
Be kind and we will be your best friends.
Islam is religion of peace.
In the name of GOD. Let us all UNITE :yes:
If I can offer my own personal opinion, as someone who’s lived in North Africa, I will say that most Muslims wish no harm on Christians or Jews. There are some, and they are typically religious extremists. Christianity and Judaism are not without extremists of their own (take the Crusades, for example), so the only reason Islam would be viewed as one of the more “violent” religions is that it has been militant particularly in more recent days, such as 9/11. I can assure you that most people from all of these religions, myself included, are not proud of such incidents.
We are not accusing anyone of being anti-Christian or anti-Muslim or anything simply because they’re in a certain religion. But that doesn’t mean there are NO people who are against other religions because of their own.
OK This is becoming useless! Even though the Muslims did not do 911, there are real terrorists, but just becouse your a Muslim, doesn;t mean your an extremist. So, create, have fun, and enjoy each other!
Ben Laden doesn’t have enough power to do things like 9/11. And the Twin Towers didn’t destroyed by Muslims (Ben Laden just used the atmosphere, to show himself bigger. I know it. I’m closer than you and receive more accrued news)
What are you saying @blenderjunkie? Muslims are real terrorists? So who the hell sent army to kill people in Iraq, Afqanistan and other Muslim countries? (was it anyone except USA Government?)
Who helps Israel to kill Felestin people and take their country?
Did any Muslim country attack Europa or US?
I am here in Middle East! I can see what you here in NEWS. I can see the wars in Countries around Iran. They couldn’t take war here, 'Cause they don’t have power to attack Iran. (8 years of war against Iraq that Iraq has money support and weapons from US and some other countries, shows that Iran is still Persian Empire of 2500 years ago)
I am totally shocked of what you are saying. I can’t believe that someone has ideas like this.
If someone is Terrorist, that should be Christian USA and Jewish Israel. (sorry @Joey_Blendhead, but i had to say.)
See this link. It’s not totally about Muslims and Christians. But will show you who is wrong.
two images: one and two (pictures are a little bit old. Just find them now on internet. they are not created by Iranian artists and not posted in Iranian websites)
Why don’t you all search about this things? Why you believe without making sure if that it’s right or wrong?
You are seeing just like what they telling you to see. why don’t you see for yourself?
I didn’t say many things and trying to keep in simple. But there is lots of facts.
By the way. I didn’t mean that I know you as enemies. While you didn’t harm us, You’ll have my support and help for anything.
I simply said that some (very few) muslims or terrorists. Also, USA does have a HUGE burden of sin on their backs. Muslims have not attacked us, we have attackd them and terrorists and extremists followed, in very few cases. Osama Ben Laden did not cause 911. Something else did.
I’m not saying Iran is a militant country. Bin Laden did, however, claim responsibility for the 9/11 attacks. I don’t think anyone would brag about being a terrorist if they weren’t in reality. Besides, what other explanation is there for 9/11?
This thread obviously headed out of its purpose.
One little boy accused another one of being a Muslim, just because he DARED to introduce himself . Accused him in things that he MIGHT do.
Then he talks about GROUPS, which probably besides him and very few no one gives a F%@& … MY GROUP, MY THIS, MY THAT…big words , for a little guy on the international forum.
This forum is for everyone not CHRISTIANS…or GROUPS. This is why moderators want all respect all. Join a cell group, you punk. Ppl like you and your kind make other non-believers to reject christianity and you putting SMILY faces after your words doesnt make it any better.
Subject of religion will never end. Its been debated for generations. There are more ppl died in the name of Christ than any other God. Roman inquisition tortured and murdered hundreds of thousands innocent for stupid things like pork, or assuming that Earth is not flat.
This discussion is stupid , same as this competition.
Look guys! @CG-Predator is right. We absolutely destroyed this tread!
As I said, You can find my Skype ID in my profile. Send me PM to get my Email and other accounts, and this is my FB profile.
Looking forward to talk to you guys and work with you.
It’s better NOT to continue this posting and fighting (some kind of!!!)
Finally this ends!!! Gosh, I don’t think I’ve ever regretted anything I’ve ever said more! I’m so sorry guys, once again my BIG MOUTH has gotten me in trouble. I’m really sorry. I have a certain fear nonbelievers (in Christ), as I am afraid that in the end they will come against me. And I accused NO ONE here of being a Radical Extremist. Once again I’m sorry, please forgive and forget.
PS: I DO NOT stand for us attacking Afghanistan and all that, and I personally believe that’s cause our president wants there drugs! So, please don’t think I support the US attacking them. Also the Philistines, as I understand it have been taking strips of land (such as the Gaza strip) and taking it from the Jews. Throwing rocks and so on at them. But I think our WHOLE news system edits EVERYTHING to fit want they want. I doubt anyone has the real truth.
well said mr@Lambrijr
to who say ‘muslim are terrorist’ i would share some photo with you and some events from history because call some one terrorist is very hard thing i’m child i have drims i would improve my self i’m student don’t call me or any one terrorist because he is muslim
first :
second we all know what ‘cristian’ did in muslim pays after 9/11 decades ago
in my pay france has occupied Algeria for 132 YEARS AND KILLED 1.5 MILLION, TURTERED THEM, AND STOLLEN OUR GOODS…ext
return to history what america did in HIROSHIMA, 100 OF REDSKINS, IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN, VITNAM…ext
the question here have any one call drance or american ‘terrorist’? what ben laden did? killed 3000 american hat’s nothing with 1.5million human did in algeria or 100 million of REDSKINS!!!
try to think after say anything and don’t star any other funky dialogue in the wrong place any more!!
“If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nuttin at all”
This is a blender forum, leave your personal beliefs at the door.
if you are cherching for the truth you are welcome in other place (in the right place) if you are ‘Racist and extremist’ i can’t help you
Okay, once again, I apologize. And, our Bible tells us to Love one another. NOT hate, or murder them. Those who claim to be Christian, and go out and murder those who aren’t, for No reason, probably don’t really believe. Whoever goes out and murders other people for no reason, are NOT considered heroes, or even “Good People” by the rest of us. But as I was saying, let’s stop this nonsense!
PS: Islara1 I’m going to make you the automatic winner, and ask you what you want the next challenge topic to be about?