King Kombi

King Kombi, based on a concept of the amazing artist, Alejandro Burdisio.

This was the first time I did modelling a car from blueprints. I found some old Wolksvagen T2a blueprints and changed the shape a little to fit the nomad-Mad Max look of the concept. Modeling every model from scratch was tedious but worth the try! I added a few things to the original concept, thought it would be nice, huge thanks to Twitter community for giving the ideas!

Stay tuned for more, soon (hopefully)!

Please visit my Instagram and Twitter too! :slight_smile:

All assets made by me.
Blender 3.3/3.4, Substance Painter, Photoshop.


Are you learning in Think Thank School?
It’s just looks like a works from other rookies of this school.
How much time did you take for this artwork?

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Thanks! No, I’ve never learned in any school, I’m self taught. :slight_smile:
To sum up, probably like 3 weeks, but I started in November and due to some personal stuff i haven’t had time to finish it sooner. Sometimes I was spending few hours on it, sometimes I wasn’t doing anything for 2 weeks.


Nice… !!

This patchwork vehicles are somekind of trendy now :wink: … i’m glad you did’t choose a flying car where only the tires are replaced by “engines” :unamused: so you 3D-ifications is :star_struck: super detailed…

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Superb attention for details :ok_hand:t2::clap:t2:

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you!
Well the concept author made some nice flying cars too… :grinning:
I didn’t really know it was trendy! :slight_smile:

Glad you like it! :slight_smile:

Yay, thanks! :slight_smile:

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This is great

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Thank you! :slightly_smiling_face:

Nice work! Reminds me of some of apocalyptic ambient like in the “Rage” video game

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thank you! yeah, it’s not a typical car i guess :wink:

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You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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wow really impressive :heart_hands:
i wanted to ask you if you modelled with subdivision or without or a mix ?

thanks and stay creative :slight_smile:

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Thank you!
Yeah, i used subdivision for this one. Some of the meshes are a bit dense but it was needed to maintain a nice shape without visible edges.

nice work!

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The attention of details are amazing! Rad!

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@Eugeny_Hats & @Puppy, thank you! :slight_smile:

I’m back with King Kombi project breakdown.
I thought you might find it useful!

You can find the full breakdown here:


Some wip renders you can find on AS:

One of my first wips!

I’m always detailing my models. Sometimes too much.


Preparing the beast for texturing

Finally decided to use geometry nodes to make a proper wireframe

Aaaand final render!