KIT OPS 2 Now Shipping

Happy New Year all!
Great news!

KIT OPS PRO is now available for Blender 2.8! And it’s a FREE update.

Not to worry, the KIT OPS FREE version will be coming out shortly as well.

Join the thousands of kitbashing users currently using KIT OPS and check out our new video at:

Head on over to and learn more.


i got error. Can not add in preference .


mac osx blender-2.80-82e0739f6481-OSX-10.9-x86_64

please make sure the folder in the addons is named “kitops”

i found a solution. when add addon in preference. addon create two folder in osx system user application support folder.

one is kitops_1.07BforBlender2.8 folder, another is Kitops folder. i delete kitops_folder . and change the kitops_1.07BforBlender2.8 folder name to Kitops. addon appear in N panel

I have a question, on kitops for 2.8, when I try to select and apply with the add on it doesn’t do anything really, I have to manually apply the modifiers of the object

Couple of questions regarding the issue:

  • Are you using the latest build of Blender and latest version of KITPops?
  • Since when the problem started, (January 3 when they changed the bevel modifier?)
  • Do you get an error message in Blender’s system console?
  • Is there a Bevel modifier active on the mesh you try to use an Insert?

Hi Francisco, please check out the latest version of KIT OPS PRO and see if it doesn’t help. Also, please see the install video on my YouTube channel (or below).

Hey KIT OPS PRO users! New version of the 2.8 Beta, plus all new videos on how to install, test, and use it to create architectural inserts is now available. Check where you purchased it (plus a free architectural KPACK!).

Free KPACK is at:


The Picture Frame in the Free KPACK is awesome :grinning:


Found a bug in the latest version for 2.8:
When you baking indirect lighting or render image in Eevee, mirror modifier as well as some display options being disabled. To enable them again, you need to toggle all display settings again.

Thanks, will check it out. For now it might be best to just disable KOPS when animating or baking…

Sorry I think the video is not clear enough.
I just want to create simple boolean cutters (for hard surface modeling) several examples, simple explanation, please… if is possible ?

check out Boxcutter, that’s what you’re looking for I guess.

Already buy box cutter and i know what is it. I understand kit ops just want create my own stuf dont know previus version before 2.8 and I think there is no clear process to “create” your insert in 2.8.
But thx anyway…

See the last video above or check out the factory docs.

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Hi everyone. Just purchased kitops recently. Had a question about materials getting added. I was following a tutorial on youtube to get a feel for how it works (sorry can’t put a link to the video since I am only allowed 2 links in a post, but its the tutorial listed near the top of this thread). At the first render point the object is shown as this while mine looks like this.

Seems like mine has a lot less materials on it. Is that to be expected? Am I supposed to add those materials manually? I went through the tutorial up to that point a few times and never end up with the object he does. Anyway, any help will be appreciated. BTW I am using the Kitops Pro 1.05 on Blender 2.79b, using Cycles renderer. Can’t think of what else might be relevant.

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for being out customer. The metal material you see is part of the original object (in this case a cube), and is not part of KIT OPS. That is why your object does not look like the first picture. I have a free product which had a similarly nice metal material called ONEshaderTOrule and you can get it at

Unfortunately it only works with 2.8

Forgive me if I’m being dense here, but once I’ve placed the insert, (2.79), if I attempt to move it, unlike every other mesh, (including Hard Ops and Asset Mamager), the insert does not seem to honour the snapping within blender. I have the snapping set to face with orientation on, but whilst I can move anything else and it snaps to the relative face, the inserts in KitOps seem to ignore all of it and just move around, so you manually have to carefully place them. The insert snaps on initial placement just fine by the way.
I’m using Kit Ops Pro but the way.

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I’ll look into it. For the meantime, try turning off auto-select and see if that doesn’t work.

I had already tried that, but no joy, I even went into edit for the item to double check the pivot point, but htats fine, so there must be something “behind the scenes” which is overriding the default snapping action, a script maybe?