Known issues with the new site

you cant seem to delete any post comments, or edit thread titles or description.

Why is there a reply limit on threads? locking brechts easter egg thread is a huge mistake. It contains a ridiculous amount of wealth of information and for it to be locked and a new thread to start is horrible.

Itā€™s a technical limitation as performance starts to break down after 10k posts. Iā€™ll add a link to a new topic.

I thought this new design was an upgrade?

Some lightweight (even sparser than VBulletin) forums still implement thread splits pt1 pt2 etc. Links at end to next part, at start for previous one. Big whoop. Might even help wean those crying for pagination some?

Interesting new setupā€¦ definitive something you need to get used to :slight_smile:

Question; Is it possible to make those direct replies to posts uncollapsed as a default / user setting ?

How do you get rid of the Suggested Topics section ? Currently there are five threads it suggests I may be interested in, all ones I originally created. The last post in each are from 2012 so I think Iā€™ll give them a miss. When I went and made the effort to read the gazillion unread messages they contained it did delete it but replaced it with an even older thread.

#suggested-topics {display: none !important;}

That will certainly get rid of it, if your browser supports custom.css.

In English please

I donā€™t remember how to get there, but somewhere you can find a link where it lists all the Suggested. To dismiss them all there is a button on the top right.

press G then U to get to Unread topics. Weā€™re compiling site findings here:

Feel free to add to them and refer others there when repeating answers gets old.

Lost My Recent days posts Like WTF !!!

Is it possible to update my threads please i cant edit anything.
pls i need some moderarors help here guyā€™s


Not that aesthetic issues are insignificant, but, relatively, those problems pale in comparison with the present situation of many missing posts:

I believe Bart and company will take care of all major concerns in time.

Letā€™s cheer them on and wish them well =)


I donā€™t know if it is all ready mentioned, but links to postā€™s from the old BA donā€™t work right now. It opens the right thread, but not the relevant post in the thread.

(As I have mentioned before, I have a fair amount of links to good/interesting BA posts - so it will be a really sad if this is not fixed).

Hi @joahua, can you post a failing link? Page or post number helps too if you know it.

The new forum even deleted entire threads? The ā€œ[WIP] YAMA: Yet Another Masonry Addonā€ for example, which was created in 2016, Iā€™v read it just the day before the new migration, and now is completely vanished.

On the contrary, this makes an even stronger case for pagination.


@pfaffman is this related to the regexp problem?

Original topic URL was

They were paginated, the point being whether you click on a page in one monolithic thread or jump to another part is still one click and still linearly named n, +1, +2, etc.

Right, sorry I thought you were replying to @BeerBaron @bartv above you(posnt nr. 46).