Kopek Music Video

Really great work!

Can’t recommend vimeo.com enough for video hosting. As long as its your own creations they are a great community of people, its a free service, you get a 500mb weekly limit of uploads, and there is HD support too.

Looking forward to your next project,


I could write a lot in response to this vid, but the short summary is: I love it! Keep it up. Keep us posted on new projects.

Extremely impressive, well done. I found it enchanting, great music, too.

Hi, there! It’s been a few months since I last saw your video, and thought of watching it again. Btw, could I include your music video on one of the videos I’ll be featuring for my talk this coming Monday? I’ll talk about Blender primarily. thanks in advance. :slight_smile:

WELL DONE!! You are Really talented! Perfect animation! You should use it in a demo reewl or somthing!

This was beautiful. It’s the exact type of animation i would love to do. If I had the time. And commitment. And patience. And stuff.

Beautiful - absolutely beautiful.

great work!

That was really amazing. =D

Hope I’m half that good someday. =p

The Kiss (original Der Kuss) was painted by Gustav Klimt reproductions during his ‘golden period’, and is probably his most famous work.
It depicts a couple, bound up in various shades of gold and symbols, sharing a kiss against a bronze background.The dusky
featured man dominates the woman, holding her face to bestow the kiss. This is one of the famous klimt reproductions The woman with a lighter complexion kneels
beneath the man, resignedly clutching his neck and hand.

The lovers are situated at the edge of a flowered escarpment. The man is wearing neutral coloured rectangles and a crown
of vines; the woman wears brightly coloured tangent circles and flowers in her hair. The twain’s embrace is enveloped by
triangular vining and a veil of concentric circles.Similarly juxtaposed couples appear in both Klimt’s Beethoven Frieze
and Stoclet Frieze.

I couldnt stop dancing

Any change of getting this video again, seems like the band is dead and there’s no record of the video online that I can get my hands on. I always remember this video, the little dude going to work on the subway, and blender on his screen, and running up the stairs and well… you know.