Kraken Rum

Thank you @currosawa !

All comments and feedback welcome!

I agree 100% about having the name/brand easier to read, but I might try keeping the current lighting setup and add in a small light to highlight the name like I did here:-

Cheers @Blend_Tech I love seeing others pushing cycles and the realism envelope too - like your Vejo Blender CGI render :slight_smile:

You might like this one too :-

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Very very cool render and work. Thanks for sharing.
I would not put the main lighting on the right, like currosawa said, but I would also maybe add a little spot that makes the right edge of the writing pop a bit more, just as you said!

One critique point: it is too perfect! :star_struck: I would have loved some scratches or dew drops on the surface the bottles stand on, or maybe even on the bottles themselves. Or, perhaps some of the ā€œtear dropsā€ that are created in a whiskey glass on the inside after swirling the alcoholic liquid.
The paper envelope could have been slightly altered on the left bottle, maybe there could have been a super small tear or variation in the ā€œidealā€ edge of the whole thing.
The two bottles in the back could have had slight variations in the placement of the cap, maybe one could have had the writing slightly more turned in another directionā€¦

stuff like that! Because really, this pic is too perfect :kissing_closed_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Was only an opinion. Beautiful image.


Thanks for the feedback! I think youā€™re right about the cap being in slightly different positions just to show some variation. There are scratches and manufacturing marks on the bottle, but they are super fine so youā€™ll have to zoom right in to see them. Its a fine balance really, too little and you dont see them, too much and it starts to look fake. :rofl:

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Ah, of course! I tried to zoom in for a change and of course, I can see the bautiful glass texture. If one only looks from afar, this gets lost unfortunately.
I really appreciate the chromatic aberation that is especially visible in the whiskey glass, mind sharing how you created this effect?

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Yeah, like I say its a fine line! :slightly_smiling_face:

for the chromatic aberration you just use the Lens node in the compositor inside Blender. Version 4.0 even shows it in the viewport.

Added super close up to show the glass and a wireframe of the scene.

Good Work keep it up

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Iā€™ve just posted another couple of renders :-1:

Amazing Work!!

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I almost scrolled past this because I thought I was an advert. Brilliant job on tha realism!

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Thank you very much! :heart:

I loved the textures

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Lol, not sure if thatā€™s a good thing or a bad thing! Itā€™s super great you thought it was real, but not so good that it looks so real youā€™d just scroll past it! :rofl:

Thanks, thats great to hear as I feel I really struggle with textures.

Wow such a nice render. I couldnā€™t tell its CG :wink:

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Great work! IĀ“m getting a hang over just from the render :joy: I love the lighting, very nice model too!

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Thank you very much. I have more renders posted on Instagram. :heart:

How can you achieve this with so little geometry though?

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