Krita 3.0 is out!

Thanks, don’t forget to vote!

The kickstarter has finished this morning, and the surveys for KS went out this morning, the paypal surveys taking a little while longer because they need to be done by hand. We’re using a script to parse the votes, so please follow the instructions :slight_smile:

Initial peek at voting results:

Ooooh! Python and SVG import/export leading by far. Was there enough money raised for python and another stretch goal? I read you were nearly at 41,000 Euros just before the Kickstarter ended, but couldn’t find a final figure. Do the special goals selected by the 1500 Euro backers override other stretch goals or are they separate?

I am more excited about lazybrush tbh :slight_smile:

Yes, we had enough for python scripting, and yes, the other stretchgoals are separate, that’s what people earn by donating for a full stretchgoal.

Me too, but we’re first tackling animated file-formats.

For those building master, gif, ogg, mpeg and mkv export just got in:

cool man i am defiantly going to have it
but why isnt there any 32bit one,s this is suck:confused:

there are -x86 (32bit)

really? i,ll check it out

time to get cracking on lazybrush layers then :stuck_out_tongue:
Btw, will they be usable with frame by frame animation?

I use Krita with OpenTOonz now. While OpenTOonz is incredibly nice to animate with, the bitmap painting tools are somewhat limited - especially when compared to Krita. It makes sense, therefore, to animate certain things in Krita, and export these sequences for import into OpenTOonz.

One incredibly frustrating issue is that Krita exports numbered animation sequences starting with 0000. OpenTOonz will only accept sequences starting with 0001 - any image sequence starting with 0000 will instantly crash OpenTOonz.

I reported this bug to the OT developers, but aside from this it would be incredibly handy to be able to select a single frame or range of frames in Krita, and export these once more to the existing image sequence. Currently Krita only exports the entire frame range - which can take a LOT of time.

In a nutshell, I think Krita and OpenTOonz make a great combo. I just wish for an improved integration/pipeline: I would like to be able to add new frames and edit existing frames in Krita, and export these changes to an existing image sequence.

Currently I mapped Export to F10 (to export the current frame and overwrite the previous version), but it takes too much time to save a specific frame since browsing for the correct image to be replaced is fraught with error. This ought to be automated somehow.

Krita’s animation is really nice to work with. The challenge is integrating Krita in a 2d animation pipeline, and OpenTOonz seems like the ideal candidate to partner up with.

Ideally Krita would allow users to:

  1. control which number to start with when exporting
  2. export only the changed frames after having exported the first version
  3. select a specific frame or range of frames, and allow me to export only those frames and overwrite the previous versions without any dialogs popping up, while maintaining the correct file numbering.

Suggestions, comments?

edit I think I found a workaround for the file naming for the time being: grunt.js

Good points about the export. We will certainly have to look into those. Thank you for bringing it up.

In the meanwhile, there is a workaround which may help. The export respects the start/end you have entered in the animation docker. So, if you want to only export a certain range, you can change the fields correspondingly. You might even be able to get around the OpenToonz bug by animating from frame 1 onwards and never exporting frame 0.

I wish I could get the onion skinning to work :frowning:

Yes, this is a bug that crawled in at the last moment: Basically, the onion skins are off by default. You need to go to the docker, and click the areas named [-2] [-1] [1] [2], these are toggles for the onion skin. Also make sure to set the tint to 50% or so.

@Herbert123: Thanks for the feedback, especially how you indicate how it should fit in. boud is currently polishing the animation exporter with your feedback included as we speak:

Awesome, that will make life much easier for anyone integrating Krita with other animation applications.

Boy I was trying out an animation tutorial and I couldn’t get this to work I thought I was been a daft old idiot and missed a step or two I kept reading that tutorial over and over.

Thanks for this.

A bunch of news, including the more-or-less final voting results and the first python docker.

It is possible to create this brush?

Which one are you talking about, in the first few minutes are 3 brushes already?

the brush changes thickness quickly
enabling drawings and CHAPES