Krita 3.0 is out!

i note that this version isn’t heavy like the previous , and it,s awesome this way :slight_smile:

Adjust brush thickness curve in brush settings ! Make it hyperbolic.

:slight_smile: Rulers, grids and guides are among my personal favorites here.
I wrote an article highlighting some of Krita’s innovative features, in hope that more people will get to know Krita:

Congrats on 3.0 and keep up the good work! :slight_smile:

Opened it up. Played around with it for about 3 minutes before closing it and summarily uninstalling. It was laggy, buggy, halting, half the hotkeys didn’t work, and the UI is a mess. I am disappointed. I’ve heard so many great things about it and I was really expecting better. I’ve been hoping and praying for some avenue away from Adobe for so long.

Edit: I realize now that came across as very harsh. Let me be clear- I LOVE the idea of Krita. I want it to succeed. I genuinely hope that it does well but I think there are some serious issues standing in the way.

Here guys have some constructive criticism hahaha…

? What kind of machine do you have? It works like a charm for me, and my hardware is OLD. Smooth painting in general at high resolutions. And playing with it for 3 minutes… If you had never worked with Photoshop before, playing with it for three minutes would be a quite confusing experience as well.


On win7, had same issue once - UI messed up and some icons randomly missing.
Removed, cleaned, downloaded archive (zip), extracted… then it ran without problems.

Some stuff is different, works differently…

Sadly I can’t do much with this because it’s too generalistic.

There are in fact people out there who try to run Krita on a netbook, so without you telling me what type of specs, operating system, tablets, monitor setup, etc, you have, you could either be trying to run Krita on a netbook, or on osx, where there’s indeed a number of bugs we’re working hard to fix so that we can remove the experimental label, or you could be running Krita on a high end device with multiple graphics cards, 64gb of ram, and some super sekrit top-of-the-line 24core cpu.

Furthermore, I can also not tell what exactly is going on, because you don’t specify what type of lag. Is the lag everywhere? Then there’s likely some major problem that we can’t do much about. This could be things like attempting to use security software like sandboxie on Krita, which would mean Krita won’t be able to use openGL, or perhaps the anti-virus program deleted a library(they sometimes do that on libraries making up our dependancies because anti-virus programs are perfect, but the people making them are dumb), it could even be a simple case of corrupted download, and in the worst case, it could be that your device is singing it’s swan’s song(We’ve had people report to us that Krita won’t work, and then after we do our diagnostics, it’s obvious their hard drive has been corrupted).

I am also wondering what hotkeys your tried that didn’t work?

Usually with extreme cases like yours, there’s a huge list of things I need to know to even begin figuring out what happened. :frowning:

@burnin and @ Herbert123 I’m on Windows 7. Otherwise, my machine is pretty solid. I can rock Zbrush, Photoshop, and Blender with Netflix playing on my second monitor all at the same and it doesn’t even break a sweat. So I guess maybe the issue is Win7, which, if it is, I guess that’s fair enough. Win7 is starting to get on in years. I’ve just been really reluctant to make the switch to 10. Windows has been moving away from the “workhorse” model towards the “iTrend” model. I really wish Windows would stop trying to be Apple. We already have an Apple. It’s called Apple.

In any case, I appreciate the input. It did not even occur to me that the problem might be on my end since I’ve never had any problems running anything on this system. I’m actually kinda gladdened to hear it. I have really high hopes for Krita. I very much want it to succeed. So I’ll give it another shot when I make the jump to Win10.

It really was not my intention to come across so salty. I’ll try to help out if I can.

OS: Windows 7 64
CPU: Intel Core i5-4670K
Tablet: Intuous 4

I have two hard drives set up: My C Drive is an SSD, mainly for system files. Z Drive is an HDD where I install all my programs and keep all my documents. Z has PLENTY of space so that’s not an issue. Also, I doubt my system is singing its swansong just now. I mean it could be, I suppose, but I’m rocking Zbrush, Blender, and Photoshop with Netflix playing on my second monitor all at the same time and it’s not even breaking a sweat. This machine has been going strong for about five years or so.

Lagginess: This was the big deal breaker for me. I make several strokes, everything seems fine, and suddenly, the program freezes for about three seconds then unfreezes. This happens every 10-20 seconds or so.

Several of the hotkeys did not work. The most notable one was Ctrl+. I absolutely need to be able to zoom on the fly as I work.

The UI was being a bit recalcitrant and would not allow me to customize it but I did not explore that issue much since I was already in ragequit mode over the freezing and unfreezing thing. There is no way I could paint like that.

I hope this is helpful. If the issue is just that it doesn’t play nice with Win7, well, I can’t really fault you for that overmuchly. It is getting on in years. Perhaps I’ll give Krita another shot when I make the switch to iWindows er… I mean Windows 10. All this aside, I really appreciate all the work you guys are doing and I wish you luck.

Ah, the ‘suddenly it stops’ might be either one of the following:

  1. Instant Preview. This is a feature that allows you to draw on a smaller version of the canvas while Krita computes the stroke in the background. This is necessary to get good feedback on big (3k+) canvases. You can try to turn it off globally via view->instant preview. (

  2. Autosave. It is what it says on the tin, and it can indeed freeze up a bit if working on big canvases. It should say it the status bar when this is happening, though. You can turn it off in settings->configure Krita->general->miscellaneous.

For the hotkeys, I think what happened here is that you expected the zoom hotkey to be under shortcuts, where there is a zoom action, indeed, but the actual zoom action is in canvas input settings. This awkward setup is because we needed to make a separate system so to allow tablet-input(and allowing, say, middle mouse+ctrl to zoom as well), we’ll be talking about the future of these two systems during the sprint in august. By default we’ve put zoom on - and +, no ctrl needed.

As for the UI being recalcitrant… I am afraid that must be a Qt issue. :frowning:

If you are using Krita on a multi-monitor setup, there also might be an offset issue(Krita should be smart enough to automate it, but it isn’t always due too many different computer configurations) You should check this if that happens:

I hope this helps?

Hi. Wannabe artist here with modest needs at this point.

I never had to set any settings other than arrange and add 2 dockers, import a single brush, or preset if you want, change cursor to crosshair, assign most used brushes to favorites tag, and that’s probably it and I’ll begin sketching and painting.

I use 2 other old computers with the earliest dual cores and with 3GB RAM each apart from the newer one with quad cores. I could still paint using the old PCs as long as nothing is running from the background. I take my time. I can’t say it’s perfect, I experience lags especially on large brushes, few quirks here and there, but not serious enough to stop me from attaining my objective. Only thing lacking is the artistic talent. I know my preferred style like good contrast between light and dark, no interest in pale-looking paintings, but the talent is still struggling even at this stage. Sometimes I can’t even paint, not because of Krita. Most of what I have started are unfinished. :smiley:

BTW, the reference image was temporarily taken from It’s Kelsey Faith of Big Brother Canada season 4. I picked her because of her huge eyes. On tv their hugeness are very conspicuous. Pretty and big. I was attempting a caricature like the one you probably saw on Emma Stone, but it’s not easy.

For learning purposes only.

Everyone has his/her own favorites, depending on their current needs, which may change later. The Reference docker is not exactly a favorite, but a necessity. It’s got issues but I’m glad it made it in the list of stretched goals. Hope to see them add movable grids in it also. They would be useful in visualizing proportions.

I may not have been paying close enough attention; my apologies if this has already been answered somewhere. What’s the development status on audio import and playback support (even if only one track, for animating lip sync, or to music)? Is that yet a development target, or is it a complicated issue that will need a lot of time?

Edit: Just realized that’s on the kickstarter page.

Long time no see, but we’ve been hard at work:

New alpha builds:

All the big changes have already been documented here:

We also need volunteers to help with the release process, as it now more or less depends on a single person.

just wanted to say… Great work you guys are doing for krita. The app is really getting better and better! Usablity is awesome already!
Looking forward to the new kickstarter goals :slight_smile:

Is there currently a way to rotate the Texture Pattern on a brush? For some reason, I thought there was, but I can’t find it now. Looking to emulate the workflow shown below (you can skip to around the 2min mark to see what I mean).

I couldn’t find a way to rotate a brush pattern, but you could have a sample pattern on your canvas. Then use a clone brush. This gives you even more control, because you can warp and rotate the pattern.

or just use a texture on your brush tip, then rotate the brush. (I think most people do this)

No, sorry, it’s not possible to rotate the pattern. We made a stretchgoal out of it, but everyone wanted python support. :smiley:

We’re doing a sprint right now, so it’s all discussing the future of this-and-that right now, and looking at all the shiny projects people have been developing. Don’t know if it makes sense to spam links for it :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m in favor of Krita development spam. :cool: