I bet it’s mostly the grass shader that takes a big bite out of the performance.
Not to mention AI logic calculations
Yes, the grass is killing about 8-10fps.
But Steam stats says - over 70% of Steam players owns gtx 1060 or better. I’m fine with that, after all 1060 is a 4 years old card and 660ti is 9 years old and it runs the game with 50fps. Logic is 4ms in heaviest scenarious it is not a problem. The postprocesses and grass is what killing the performance on older PCs. But if your PC is 2016+ configuration it should run the game with at least 60fps.
My PC at work is also gtx 1060 but with i5 8xxx from 2019 and it runs Krum with about 150-200fps. I’m assuming most gamers won’t mind the performance.
Folks that are big on gaming will tend towards spending more in their rigs anyhoo, they’re probably one of the market’s main driving forces. Then theres the rest of us who own toasters because we’re still playing DOOM and/or trapped in dead end jobs. Eh, I wouldn’t worry about it too much.
You didn’t make a shooter so basically 30+ FPS is perfectly fine
Yeah, unfortunately this game is not ment to be a bge tech demo, but just another Steam game, that will require mid class gamer pc to be played.
That’s why i never dropped a new update after the one i made until i could perfectly redefine the system.
Ultimately TBW will just end up being a game that will require an RTX card to run the Game.
(Thou it is partially a Tech Demo for UPBGE…)
ouch, i guess you will optimize things later
How many people must you insult about performance?
haidme is a pro & he still gets lag, it’s a fact of life. Get over it.
I’ll make another optimization pass. But the best result would be by adding options for disable/enable demanding visuals - grass, postprocesses…etc. to give people with older PCs a chance to play with reasonable fps. Thankfuly those are very tiny group on Steam.
The company I’m currently working in recently released a game on Epic and the min specs were ~ gtx 1060. We had several tens of thousands copies sold just for the first week and nobody said anything about bad performance.
some games can go on low fps but still look fluent for some reasons i don’t know. But for the BGE, once the game drops below the 60fps, it looks like there’s an anti-virus or a windows update going wild behind. The BGE is a slow engine, better make everything possible to make the game run 60fps on a I5 with no discrete GPU (does the BGE handle gpu’s anyway ?) .
Reminder, GTA5 runs at something like 100fps on a GTX1050 with a Pentium
Now, you RandomParkour, i was never able to “insult” you as you was smart enough to hide your fps on your parkour game
GTA5 runs at something like 100fps
GTA V won award for most optimized AAA game for 2015…and still gtx 1050 hasn’t been released yet back then.
In most cases good optimization means millions of dollars and hundreds of people and as it seems 4 similar games made for the last 20 years by the same company
I love this and I will be playing the shit out it when it comes out. @haidme you are a hero.
Oh, Thomas is back
@haidme Your work as always is so impressive. The music in the video is just great. So you work for a game company that’s great. Is blender used by them?
I have never really left. I am always on here lurking o,…,o. I am just a very buzy cat.
Ofcourse. Everywhere I’ve been, there is always a group of blender users. In the current company the official 3d is Modo , but many co-workers are just using Blender instead.
Are they working on any personal blender projects as you’re doing or are they just modeling Artists?