KYouB - Update: Two new videos (June 6th)

We will see about that!

KYouB does something.

KYouB is eating some Coins!

(the counter already works but it’s not visible in the video)

KYouB Likes To Collect Coins in Other Worlds Too!

Actual change logs will be posted when I release a new version of KYouB that you can actually download.
I have been rebuilding the game from scratch again. I was able to extract KYouB and the coins from the .blends in the old installer.
It took quite some time to get it all running again but most of the foundation has been laid down.
Now it’s time to wrap it all up and start making the actual levels for the game + cutscenes and tell the story of KYouB!

(now where did my BlenderPlayer files go)

- Ani

KYouB: a Timelapse Video

You’re looking at five hours of work here. Yep, I was trying out some filters too. Only one made it. I might need another filter later on but for now one filter is enough. I don’t want my game to be a resource hog.

Enjoy KYouB’s moves! … oh wait… He’s going way too fast.


Nice. Like

Looking good, interesting to see who u talk to on msn in that timelapse video :wink:

Btw I think you should change your thread title and have ‘2010 Game Contest Update!’ in it, that way at least it will grab the attention of anyone interested or entering into the contest, and get them involved with this thread. Also a newish thread title might get more attention for a while from people who browse the wip section a lot. Theyll think “man, havent seen the KyouB thread for a while! Looks like theres stuff happening in there, better check it out again…”

And so on :cool:

KYouB Will Be Kept Informed (1:50)

Result of 6 days of development. Man, why did this take so long! (since I started working on this project again, the video is of course the result of one or two more days of work)

New stuff:

  • On-screen coin counter
  • Reorganization of initialization objects/empties. (it was a mess, it remains a mess but at least the mess has become manageable)
  • Some more stuff I forgot about. I’ve worked on scripts that aren’t fully working yet.

EDIT: Almost forgot!

  • Map select. (not finished but it works)

Happy New Year Everyone!!
uh oh… having problems
I don’t know why this is happening. It’s something with the working directory for KYouB but it used to work and now suddenly it stopped working.

I fixed it but not the way I wanted to though. :frowning:
Anyway, I’m working on KYouB’s controls and some basic levels.

i have a question… if i was to use linked blendfiles :confused: would they still be linked if i save the files as runtime??? :confused:

Btw this is looking great:D

I’d say try it out. I’ve been wondering the same. Haven’t tested it yet. I’m not running it via the blenderplayer.exe atm.
I’m wondering if I’m allowed to include the .exe in another .exe. :stuck_out_tongue:

Almost done with the controls. KYouB was very hard to control back in the old days.
I’ve also started working on the official levels. I will post some in-game screenshots of these work-in-progress maps.

- AniCator

Original post:

Hello interwebz,

As some of you might know, I’m working on a game. It’s name is ‘KYouB’ which by ‘coincidence’ happens to be the name of the main character as well.

KYouB is a work-in-progress adventure game in which you take control of KYouB who is a sweet soft and bouncy cube.

I am still writing the story, only a small portion of it has been finished. I am currently using that portion to work on the first level. I like to work on the game incrementally. It makes it easier for me to know what I can and can’t do or try yet.

The first official level currently looks like this.
This is only a small part of the level. It will include the first puzzle. I think it will take me quite a while to make the puzzle player-friendly. Since it’s the first puzzle I have got to be careful not making it too complicated. Most important is that it’s a puzzle that looks logical.

One of the problems with the puzzle will be the fact that KYouB doesn’t have any arms nor legs. Figuring out how to make him solve the puzzle will be a pain but if I can think about a cool and logical way to make the player solve the puzzle then it will be possible to use that solution for other puzzles as well.

I know a few people I can ask to playtest the game. It is important that they can figure out the puzzles just as easily as I can.

This portion of the level will be filled with vegetation since KYouB is in a forest. It currently looks very empty and abandoned.
That’s all I’ve got to report for now. I hope to talk more about the first puzzle in the next post and I hope to fill up the empty level with trees, bushes, flowers, water, sounds, insects and happiness.

Kind regards,

- AniCator

Looks awesome! good luck!

Thanks JESUSFRK14,

The Blender Game Contest has ended, I’ve submitted a version of KYouB but it’s not much at all.
KYouB still has to be worked on for a few months for it to become a proper game.
When the first level is finished I will upload a small pre-release featuring the first level.
As an appetizer.

It would be nice if more people replied to my thread. I have to admit that watching only screenshots isn’t always fun but replies motivate me. It feels like someone actually cares about this project (aside from my friends).

Thanks for your reply JESUSFRK14,

- AniCator

Well I’ll be watching this thread cuz this game rocks (watched new vid)

First UVMap glitches have arrived, I haven’t solved them yet. If anyone knows the solution, please tell me what it is. :slight_smile:

The problem is that the stencil map doesn’t want to use the right UV map.
If I assign any texture to another UV channel, it messes up.
It all defaults back to the ‘uv’ map which is the map for the base texture coordinates.

Kind regards,

- AniCator

About your problem have you tried to use two different materials layered on top of each other using the stencil rather than just one material with a node tree, and you can then cut the number of UVmaps to two by using the size values in the dirt material. If it’s the UV-output not working, maybe try a third material for the stencil or see how to scale it up so it covers the whole map?

That way you’d also have normal maps and/or stacked textures per material as well.

Are you using 2.49b as well because it doesn’t have as many bugs as 2.48-2.49?

Thanks for the advice Ace. :wink:
I’ve made an attempt at fixing the material but I couldn’t get it to work properly yet. I’ve been able to fall back to a slightly older version of the map which fixed the problem for now. I will look into it again soon.
For the record, I am using 2.49b. :slight_smile:

Now for some information. I’m incrementally writing the second development update blog post which will contain more information about the character itself and the goals I’d like to achieve with this project.
I can tell you that getting a lot of attention isn’t on the goal list although it is a priority since I’m an artist that is not very known for his 3D art.
The update will of course contain more technical information about the technology behind KYouB.

If anyone has any questions about the game, feel free to ask them. I will try to release a playable level in a few months. I can’t promise you it will be available by then because I’m not sure how much obstacles I will still have to face.

I am currently figuring out how to create a satisfying harmony between the story, design and gameplay.
Colour psychology is one of the things that popped up in my mind.

Going to check out some sounds as well.

Kind regards,

- AniCator

PS: Thanks again, Ace… :wink: and OTO too of course! :smiley: