KYouB - Update: Two new videos (June 6th)

Well. That was quick.

Hi. Check this out!

this is sooo funny :smiley: Kyoub looks like gelatin

hahaha awesome dude,i loved it really :smiley:
Gz :wink:

After some chats with my current playtesters I’ve set up a small to-do list that I keep in mind while working on KYouB. There are also things I want to do myself in there.

  • Create a new camera script for camera movement.
  • Fix abrupt absence of some movement sounds. (broken by a combination of keys)
  • Create the intro cutscene. (some day)
  • Add fitting level music.
  • Fix wall climbing design glitch. (You can currently jump on steep cliffs and walls and get to places where you’re not supposed to be)There are probably a lot more things I’ve got to look into but for now the main focus is to finish the first part of the first level and I think it’d be great if I’d create a FMV or cutscene intro.
    This game will contain villians. yay!

Kind regards,

- AniCator

cool game :slight_smile: hope you finish it :slight_smile:

Two new videos:
KYouB - Dynamic Music (1:50)
KYouB - Console Test (1:47)

Tell me what you think. I’m switching most of the sounds to pyGame atm. The ‘Console Test’ video also shows a sound bug. I’m not yet sure why it’s occurring.
Anyway, what are your thoughts on KYouB right now? :wink:

Kind regards,

- AniCator

The console test looks like it’s working well (the select mode), the dynamic music video gives me an error for now like so many YouTube videos that I am able to watch later.

Not sure why you suddenly introduced that music near the end though, and the beginning didn’t actually show the game itself.

:smiley: I love watching those short, yet entertaining videos. The style of this game looks fantastic. I’m excited to see the final product as well as the progress you make. Keep up the great work.

Because it was hilarious.

It gave you a glimpse of the game it’s directories and some Colin-sauce to keep everyone happy. :yes:

this game looks simply awe to the some dude!
the console version looks pretty decent too heheh and the banana thrower looks funny too :smiley:
Oh oka the soundtrack sounds kwl from here :smiley: and i liked em both…
keep up the good work tho!
All the best,

Hello everyone,

Calling out for help
Ever since I’ve started working on KYouB I never really knew what I wanted to do with it. There is no actual story and no definite design for the gameplay.

I think it is very important that I get a lot of information about the game on paper but I don’t want to leave you guys out.
Friends have already helped me out with ideas etc. . They also made me add new features to my to-do list like:

  • Special powers (these would also change the appearance of KYouB)
  • Cheats (you’ll be able to use them with the console)
  • Different controls (I have worked on this but the controls aren’t perfect yet)
    I have forgotten about asking the great Blender community what they would love to see.

Have a feature request? Feel free to request.
Have a question? Feel free to ask.

I’m going to start writing a decent story and design document. Meanwhile I’ll be checking this thread at least once a day to answer all your questions.

KYouB is stored on a Google Code SVN server. Before using Google for hosting the SVN I used XP-Dev.Com but I switched because of SVN size limits. I am expecting KYouB to become bigger than 1 gigabyte when it’s finished.

You can easily download the SVN using a batch files I created. It is only supports Windows but Mac and Linux users can use their favourite SVN client to download the SVN.

Easy download batch file (Windows, click to download .zip)
SVN Trunk

KYouB currently eats about 250 MB of your harddrive.

I hope you’ll have fun with the current SVN version. KYouB is pretty buggy and pyGame is causing crashes when playing sounds. (not always)
The console has to be opened and closed using F1. Do not use Enter to submit a message. Use F1 instead. I still have to find a solution to the Enter command being registered in the console input string.

List of cheats:
gofaster - Makes it possible to sprint using Shift
booty - Firing a sound using the console
jumphigh - High jump (triggers when you fire the cheat, doesn’t replace normal jump)
nagger - Add Banana Cylinder
stophostile - Remove Banana Cylinders

Have fun!
Kind regards,

- AniCator

ps. and don’t forget to send in request, report bugs and tell me what you think and what features you would like to see in the game.