Lack Of Creativity

A personal project, that I did months ago, just for practice my Blender skills.

I tried first time to create composition with the Fibonacci’s golden ratio, to see how it will work, and surprisingly it works great :slight_smile: so I always try this technice in my further works, when it is possible


Nice idea and great style, I like it a lot!

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Thank you^^

For me, this should have been featured, it’s really amazing, the idea the rendering, the lighting. Overall it’s a great artwork.


Thank you very much… :slight_smile:

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Really nice job… I like it…

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Thanks Barbara :slight_smile:

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you so much^^

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You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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You definitely don’t lack creativity


I agree! It’s so simple. It’s - yet another - reason for me to say “Dang! Why didn’t I think of that?”


Thank you :slight_smile:
Everyone has times , when they Lack of Creativity :slight_smile:

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Maybe you need some power :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Seriously, nice work… about very common topic.

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I like your style:)

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not lack of but lots of creativity in this masterpiece

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Thank you
:relaxed: :relaxed: :relaxed: :relaxed:

Nice work with the Fibonacci’s golden ratio. I didn’t catch it at first, but the composition looked “natural”, which is of course the whole point to using that method - well done!

Have you also tried dynamic symmetry? It opens up the realm of layout possibility quite a bit, and the great part is it’s all based on math :slight_smile: All the great painters of yesteryear used it, but the techniques have largely been lost.

This guy, though, uses it and teaches it quite a bit. Here’s a simple intro video as a primer. If you’re interested in diving down the rabbit hole, here’s one of his websites.

  • Note: I’m not getting paid to promote him, although I was I was. :wink:

I purchased his course years ago when he was just getting started and have kept his layout guides handy ever since.

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Thank you very much for information. The video was really interesting and helpfull. Never heard about dynamic simmetry before. I will definetly use it in artworks :slight_smile: