Laser Rifle Work in Progress

Some small adjustments: made the bumpmap on the edges more noticeable, changed the base noise pattern slightly to make it less generic and added basic dirt and rust to the screws.

That should be it for this piece…


Started working on the base material of the next piece. So far just some noise and scratch layers.


Finished this piece (for now). I thought I might still add some decals later.


Another test render with all materials applied.


Wow i’m amazed that you textured this entirely in Blender only with nodes ? That’s another proof blender is the all-in-one software.
You can improve the model more by adding some boolean cut, some more mechanical details etc… check out my weapon for example. Also can you do curvature texturing in blender tho ? Because i found out curvature texturing improve the realism of metal drastically. Adding some decals would be nice tho.

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Yes, blender can do curvature based texturing using curvature and bevel masks, but I sometimes use curvature masks from quixel mixer. The reason I am a bit hesitant to use curvature maps everywhere is that I quickly feel like it looks too uniform and boring if you can clearly see the curvature mask in the final material.

Managed to get almost 3 more objects textured.

The grip thing at the bottom of this box has some severe balancing issues in the height map.

And the scope is looking pretty good i think, although it got a little noisy. There are also visible seams in two places, but I’m just gonna hope nobody notices them…

I also realized that color-coding nodes is immensly useful for fixing things in the material - should have started doing this earlier.


Great lighting in the render! I like it!

I finished texturing the main scope mesh. It maybe needs a little bit of tweaking in the height channel, but overall I’m mostly content with this as a final version.

Unfortunately the node tree is straight from hell and might be the slowest material yet.

(This is at 2560x1440px, 100 samples on a 12 thread cpu.)

Scope done.


Due to some unknown issue in blender, that I have not found any real solution for yet, progress has slowed down alot. Basically I’ve had to bake 4 8K maps everytime I add a new component to the material to be able to preview it correctly, which not only drastically reduced the quality of the material, but also takes roughly 2-5 minutes per map, so most of the time I’m just baking stuff.

Anyway, I’m pretty much finished with the next material for now. I still need to change the color to something in line with the pallette so far (probably yellow, if I dont change it), but I’ll get to that in the end.

I also scaled down the grip and trigger a bit. The model has some more scaling issues overall, but I thought before I start texturing these parts, I better fix what I can still change.


Finished the piece attatched to the power supply. Thought it would make for a good monitor/control panel thing (even though the scale is a bit awkward).


Two more materials.

This is looking nice, can we somehow combine your project with this one please?

Cheers, Clock. :rofl:

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Almost done with the final piece - just two more materials.

Afterwards I’ll still have to go over everything, fix possible issues, come up with a good color scheme and finally create a scene and do lighting setups for rendering.

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Finished the grip - last material remaining is the trigger.


I finished the materials, did some color tweaks, went with a yellow/green color scheme and set up the primary scene for rendering.

Rendering the proper materials is going to be a bit of a challenge, but I tried it with the barrel material and even though it took over 4 minutes to initialize, I have hope that it’s going to work.
Couple of small tweaks and I think it’s ready to render.


Finished the first two renders.


Two more closeups.

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