So I got a new gaming computer on Black Friday & am in the progress of transferring data & files & will get right back to Last Man Fighting development ASAP.
So now that my computer can handle a lot more stuff, should I keep graphics as low as possible or go for the highest I can come up with.
Minimal Graphics
Highest Graphics
| 1 | Minimal Graphics means I’ll continue to bake textures & perform other performance friendly techiques.
| 2 | Highest Graphics means the sky is the limit! (In a rational way)
I haven’t even implemented 2D Filters (Bloom, Ambient Occlusion, HDR, Retinex, Levels, Gamma, DOF, etc . . .) as they are very intensive.
| 3 |
Means I would ask the game-user at the beginning of the game which Graphics preference would they like.
remember : as an indie game, it has only 2 cards to play : fun gameplay and fast lightweight experience. You will never compete with the commercial games on the other aspects. So don’t be mislead by your i9-GTX2048 , you have to test your game on your old laptop.
Minimum requirement : 60fps ALL the time on a 10-15 years old laptop while maximizing the graphics
I would even say that your parkour-cube style is pretty nice. You should test it in Armory
Yes I have stated all game design elements.
The reason why you don’t see them here is because BA currently is kind-of well . . . dead, so I’ve been releasing new info updates on my Discord server.
Sorry bout that.
Well . . . I don’t really have official dead-lines as I’m also trying to balance daily pro-gaming if my daily life, but I’m starting to go for 1 update per-week & if I don’t have anything by the end of the week & release details on what I’m working on currently on Discord.
Thanks for the interest & support
P.S If you don’t want to create a Discord account for my Discord server, I can lower the verification needed when you post on my server so you can just join in & start posting whenever.
Yes & No.
It’s like Face-Book, Twitter, Instagram & Skype all together.
Be warned that is has kicking & banning functions that people sometimes abuse with.
Discord has -
Full chat & text functions
Voice Channels (So you can talk with a mic)
Ability to STREAM live footage using the Go Live function (You must have a download client version for this to work)
Public Server Chatting or Private Chats (Individual or up to 8 friends group)
You can use Discord WITHOUT downloading a client by using a simple browser (Won’t work on mobile, you need the Discord app for that)
Most Discord servers request User Verification (That you have a Discord account)
So you do need to create a account & verify it with an email (Just like BA)
I mean, just look at the total server members on Blender Discord (White)
9596 MEMBERS! (Maybe more then BA Forum?) & there’s even 3 MORE Official Blender Discord servers!!!