Last Man Fighting

Low-Poly FPS Game called Last Man Fighting

[ Discord LINK ]

Gameplay & Enemies are still moot (haven’t decided what goes were yet :wink:)

Everything is fully made by me except :arrow_down:

  1. Blender default font.
  2. @Thatimster’s 2D filter add-on.

[ Gameplay ]

[ Menu ]



  1. Walking (obviously :wink:) [W,S,A,D] keys
  2. Jumping [SPACE] key
  3. Crouch [C] key
  4. Sprint [LEFT-SHIFT] key
  5. Shoot [LEFTMOUSE] button
  6. Mouse-Look [MOVEMENT] mouse


  1. Idle
  2. Run
  3. Recoil

[ EDIT ]
Video show-case will follow when project is decently polished :wink: :sweat_smile:


But for now, just [UPDATES] :slight_smile:


  • Shooting Targets can be reset with a click of a button
  • Added Dynamic speed-adjust for (Walk, Sprint, Crouch)
  • Added Gun Firing (no ammo yet)
  • Added Muzzleflare
  • Added Sounds (Walk, Shoot)

[ HUD ]

  • Added logo-icon
    [UPDATED] HUD style


  • Added Target Practice Props
    [UPDATED] Training Area style


Re-ramped the environment graphics.
Textures will all be baked for top-notch performance :smiley:



Added prop Shed (WIP)
Added prop Turret
Added prop Shelf


nice ! can’t wait to see the result in action. Happy to see that u start u game.

1 Like

Added Rocks
Added Grass
Updated Shed (House)
Updated (Terran Canopy (removed it))

Direct link in-case video link expires.

[UPDATE] for my personal game-project Last Man Fighting

Shed (House)
Arm (soon to be Arms)
Simple rotation animation for turrets
Included more props in the environment

Table & Chairs

What would you prefer to see built-first?
Answers aren’t final decision

Would have dumb bots :wink: as either Soldiers or Zombies
It would have rich story-line (maybe a little original, but likable)

Would be Split-Screen with different modes (modes would be DEATH-MATCH or TEAM-DEATH MATCH)


0 voters

Last Man Fighting Weapons show-case (WIP)


Submachine Guns

1 Like


[ADDED] fences.

I had already made the Assault Rifle but I hadn’t implemented it in the latest updates until now.

Weapon Menu (Logic is almost completed)


So I got a new gaming computer on Black Friday & am in the progress of transferring data & files & will get right back to Last Man Fighting development ASAP.

So now that my computer can handle a lot more stuff, should I keep graphics as low as possible or go for the highest I can come up with.


  • Minimal Graphics
  • Highest Graphics
  • Both

0 voters

| 1 |
Minimal Graphics means I’ll continue to bake textures & perform other performance friendly techiques.

| 2 |
Highest Graphics means the sky is the limit! (In a rational way)
I haven’t even implemented 2D Filters (Bloom, Ambient Occlusion, HDR, Retinex, Levels, Gamma, DOF, etc . . .) as they are very intensive.

| 3 |
Means I would ask the game-user at the beginning of the game which Graphics preference would they like.

remember : as an indie game, it has only 2 cards to play : fun gameplay and fast lightweight experience. You will never compete with the commercial games on the other aspects. So don’t be mislead by your i9-GTX2048 , you have to test your game on your old laptop.

Minimum requirement : 60fps ALL the time on a 10-15 years old laptop while maximizing the graphics

I would even say that your parkour-cube style is pretty nice. You should test it in Armory

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[UPDATE] Last Man Fighting

  1. FULLY WORKING weapons menu :slight_smile:
  2. HUD Blood
  3. Tweaked HUD style & elements
  4. Tweaked Environment Lighting
  5. The mouse-cursor is visible on my side, but the video recording hides it :sweat_smile:
  6. I only have AssaultRifle, DesertEagle, & Submachine Guns ready to show-case (A LOT more weapons & items to come) :wink:


Updated video ink (8/5/2023):

very good :cowboy_hat_face:

1 Like

Thanks :slight_smile:
I’m hoping to finish basic animations for the next update.

did you manage to define boundaries for your project or you just improve it as long as you can ? Deadlines ?

Yes I have stated all game design elements.
The reason why you don’t see them here is because BA currently is kind-of well . . . dead, so I’ve been releasing new info updates on my Discord server.
Sorry bout that.

Well . . . I don’t really have official dead-lines as I’m also trying to balance daily pro-gaming if my daily life, but I’m starting to go for 1 update per-week & if I don’t have anything by the end of the week & release details on what I’m working on currently on Discord.

Thanks for the interest & support :slight_smile:

P.S If you don’t want to create a Discord account for my Discord server, I can lower the verification needed when you post on my server so you can just join in & start posting whenever.

i confess i don’t even understand the concept of “having a game on Discord” , Discord is like Skype, right ?

Yes & No.
It’s like Face-Book, Twitter, Instagram & Skype all together.
Be warned that is has kicking & banning functions that people sometimes abuse with.

Discord has -

  1. Full chat & text functions
  2. Voice Channels (So you can talk with a mic)
  3. Ability to STREAM live footage using the Go Live function (You must have a download client version for this to work) :frowning:
  4. Public Server Chatting or Private Chats (Individual or up to 8 friends group)

You can use Discord WITHOUT downloading a client by using a simple browser (Won’t work on mobile, you need the Discord app for that)
Most Discord servers request User Verification (That you have a Discord account)
So you do need to create a account & verify it with an email (Just like BA)

I mean, just look at the total server members on Blender Discord (White)
9596 MEMBERS! (Maybe more then BA Forum?) & there’s even 3 MORE Official Blender Discord servers!!!

My server currently has 32 members total (Was 36 total, but 4 left for personal reasons)