LeoMoon LightStudio for 2.8x, 2.9x and 3.x

The reason for that error is because the Windows Usernames are different on your machines. The texture lights are being sourced from the %appdata% of Windows username like:
C:\Users[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.77\scripts\addons\blender-light-studio extures_real_lights\Soft Box A.exr

If the file is made with another machine, the username is probably different so all the texture paths will be wrong. We’ll see if there is a way to make all textures relative.

What are Relative Paths (manual).

Nice to know:

  • When you load textures, there’s an option (on the left side below) under Open Image - Relative Path.
  • You can fix/correct paths automatically: File > External Data > Find Missing Files (just point to the folder)
  • Also in the same menu there are options to make all paths Relative/Absolute or to pack it all in the .blend.

& thanks for all your works

Thank you very much for your replies! I will try this when I will be in the office again (wednesday).

Btw, is there any way to add my own .exr-textures to the add-on?

Do you plan to add a feature like constraining the lights to an empty for a more flexible positioning?

Yes you can. But remember to have a backup of your additional textures somewhere else. You can add more light textures to this path (Windows):
%AppData%\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.78\scripts\addons\blender-light-studio extures_real_lights

Change the Blender version if you are using some other version.

You can select your new textures using the Node Editor. Or restart Blender and you should be able to see the new texture when changing it.

About the positioning, it should be possible.

I have a simple issue, which does not cause problems in the use of the addon, but it’s a bit annoying.
This issue came out with the version 2.1: when activated, I can no longer use manipulators with mouse and click-drag. I can only work with hotkeys for moving, scale and rotate. If I deactivate BLightsStudio, everything goes back right as before.

I think it interfering with the keymap of some other addon, probably a pie menu.

Hi, version 2.3.1 featuring profile export/import is on github https://github.com/leomoon-studios/blender-light-studio

You can add textures to blender-light-studio extures_real_lights path but you need to restart Blender to see them in GUI. Auto-refresh is on the to-do list.

Constraining lights to empty is doable and also lands on the to-do list.

As burnin suggested, missing textures can be repaired using File > External Data > Find Missing Files, though better don’t try packing files. Nevertheless, it might be a good idea to implement some safety checks in future.

I found that your problem happens when left-click selection is chosen in Input options. Is that right? I will investigate how to solve this.

GIT REPO IS BACK!!! YES!!!EXPORT SETTINGS!!! YESSSS!!!You ROCK! Thank you very much!

Yes, it’s right.
Using a tablet and mouse I thought it was just me :slight_smile:

Thank you

Fixed version (2.3.2) is on github.
Happy blending :slight_smile:

Version 2.3.3 is on github.
Major problems with copying and exporting profiles (scale and rotation of light not being saved) are fixed now. Button to easily fix broken texture paths has been added.

Hi I just want to say I got the exact same bug as Scigor got, with not being able to click the 3D Manipulator in object mode.
Works in edit mode though. When I removed the addon, it started working again. I am on OSX, Sierra. Love the plugin, so hoping for a fix :slight_smile:

Oh, I see. It was better but not as good as original. I hope this time it is finally fixed.
Hotfix 2.3.4 is online.

Edit. Sorry, there still is a problem with using manipulators on multiple selected objects. Unfortunately, I don’t think I can really fix it. The choice is to either have two-way selection (viewport <-> control panel) or fully functional left-click selection.

Ah yes… moving one object works now, but not multiple selected objects as you mentioned… I wish i could help but i have zero coding knowledge.
Until someone figures out a solution, I guess I can workaround it by having the addon disabled when I model and setup the scene, and then enable it when I just want to do the lighting… : )

Last “v2.3.4 final left-click selection fix” finally works for me now.
It’s OK in object mode, edit mode, and with multiple objects selected.

Thank you!

v2.3.5 is online

  • Right-clickers use old code
  • Left-clickers can disable Selection Override in Misc panel. This option is visible only for them.

It won’t work if manipulator is overlapping any of selected objects.

Ooo… I didn’t noticed before… ^_^;;

Hello! :slight_smile: First - Thx for so many new versions in short time with so many bugfixes:)
I have a question:
Is possible to save/export created with BLightStudio HDR map (based on lights putted in Blight editor window) ? I want to move a lighting to other software :slight_smile:

Yes, it is possible, but for now you have to set it manually.
First, set each light mesh visibility property (Object properties tab -> Cycles Settings -> Ray Visibility -> Camera), then render your scene as panorama (https://youtu.be/qrOVKCz0eB0).

Feature to do it automatically is on to-do list. Donations keep us running faster :wink:

Donated 1 minute ago :slight_smile:
Greetings and good luck with new features :slight_smile:

Thank you very much :slight_smile: