Lictor WIP 2 ::UPDATE No. 7:: 10-25-05 Modeling Done

i love the stomach, upper arms and the legs!

the head needs more detail. the more you model, the less you will have to paint… and the chest… its too symetrical(and kinda boring…). the tail could also use a little more extras. the arms dont look very flexible, and could use some stuff.

Thanks for the comments guys!

mr_bomb: I will see what I can do about the tail.

Orion119net: I have been trying to add more details to the head. But when ever I do, it ends up looking too mechanical. I have to becareful with what details I add. What would you suggest? I can see your point about the arm not being flexible. I will work on that.

So for next update, this is what I need to do:

Add more details to tail and make the tip rounder. Make chest scales less symetrical, try and add more details to the head, and make arm elbow joint more flexible.

Here are some wires for you guys. Enjoy.

I started working more on the arms today. Added a lot more details. Keep an eye open for the next update.


by far one of the coolest models i have seen on elysiun! definatly in the top five best models!

crits would be that he looks like he is crouching, mabye more extension on the legs. possibly more detail in the head. it looks like this is the area of least detail compared to the rest of the model.

i hope you take as much time on the textureing as the modeling. and this will truly be a great work of art!

hmm, maybe add some holes(i love holes) or some veins… some ridges would help.

Thanks for the crits guys. I started texturing and I can already tell it is going to be a nightmare. I have never really LSCM uv mapped anything before and so I am having a hard time with this. I watched greybeard’s video tutorial, which helped, but I still am not much better. I understand the concept, I just can’t actually do it. I looked on google for a colored uv map grid with the numbers and rows but I couldn’t find any. Would anyone here know where to find one?

If anyone has any suggestions on how I should go about texturing this, please say so.

Wu: Means a lot to hear you say that. I have worked hard on this model and I think it has paid off.

Good luck,

Good luck,

Great. That is what I needed. Thanks.


Small update here. Added more details to the side of the head and the arms. Also made the arm joints appear to be more flexible.

I am still reading up on UV mapping and will start texturing soon.

Very impressive model!

I think the midsection is still too thin, though. I doubt it would be easy for this guy to support the weight of the upper body, even if that midsection was solid muscle. Especially with those huge, praying mantis claws. With the body armour, claws, and arms, I think it would probably be a few hundred pounds at least.

IMO the head just doesn’t do the rest of the body justice. It seems very very plain in comparison to the highly detailed body.

my 2cents

I have been working on painting textures and unwrapping the mesh. I got a nice unwrap of part of the upper claws, but I don’t know how to get rid of the texture seams. There is any ugly seam going right down the middle. I try to edit the texture itself but it doesn’t work so well. What would you guys suggest? I have seen some unwraps with seams right down the middle but the texture is seamless when rendered, so I know it is possible.

Very well done .:Tr@ceR:., looks very impressive. :slight_smile:
There are certainly some things to nitpick, but at the moment i am ill
and i dont have the energy to investigate :frowning:

One question:
How much hours did youinvest up to now of pure modeling time?

I’m glad you like it AN][ARES! Thanks for saying so.

I’m not exactly sure how many hours total I have spent in modeling thus far, but it has been a lot. I started it over a month ago. I’d say probably no less than 50 hours, maybe more, which is slow since I am not good at organic modeling.

I hope it won’t take me as long to texture. Could you give me some suggestions and hints on how you textured your Alien Queen? I want my textures to looks sort of like that. Nice and dark. Did you hand paint those textures?

No, i sadly didnt do much with some textures.
We took some photos of the resin model i used as a template and
simply applied the textures to the model.

Almost done with the texturing guys. Sorry I haven’t updated in a while. Should have something up by next week.