Limitations in existing Blender features you would like to see resolved.

If you use instances, you can not use merge option and there are sharp limits like when you use edge split modifier.
I would rather to have an option that let user choose the purpose of the array.
More intuitive Instances duplication than using dupliverts or repetitive organic model like octopus tentacle.

how about custom transform
when you go into face mode we don’t have access to Z only X and Y
it would be usefull to have the Z value too if possible

happy blendering

The old feature Lock Time to Other Windows. To keep all ‘time’ windows (time line, dope sheet, graph editor) in sync.

hmmm, weird… what happened to editing baked cloth animation in particle mode?

I was actually going to mention how I miss the old ability to edit cloth sim, and apply it as shape keys, but now I can’t even seem to find the new one.

Another relatively simple thing: in 3d view a button called “limit selection to visible”. It’s giving some problems when editing at example small things, even when enabled sometimes i see and select also things that should not be visible/selectable becouse in the back of geometry. I have read (and understand) that have something to do with the clip start distance, but it’s not practical (so the feature is almost “useless”) to alwais have to change that value when moving/zooming in viewport. Or maybe there are some settings that i didn’t see?

+1 the check option should be like use instances + message that they will be not merge and not stretched a bit along curves etc…

a SHADOW/REFLECTION only shader for cycles, please!

To make this feature happen, the Blender devs would need to implement “construction history”. I don’t really want Blender to turn into a DCC app with construction history, seriously it just makes the app complex for no good reason and it could actually slow Blender down (performance wise). Plus not to mention it could introduce all sorts of bugs.[/QUOTE]

I think that this is essential for a nondestructive workflow.

We should be able to go back and change things… ‘that’s why I don’t like to work with MODO…’

+100. I think that is one of my biggest complaints/disappointments with Blender. Whats great is that when you press D first, you unlock its pivot point and you can quickly snap like you would everything else. Very quick, very easy, very accurate. I kind of have to do extra steps to do the same in Blender, and even then its like fighting the application to do what I want. I wish we had an option to pick which kind of snapping approach we prefer.

I never got this either. Every other app snaps to exact increment. Max, Maya, XSI, you name it. I think I asked in IRC awhile back if you could do this and got a ‘why would you want to?!’

The answer, for me at least, is because I work on modular game environments. Therefore it’s really important to be able to snap to one Unreal Unit, for example. If I’m over a little bit it can screw up the entire model. I’ve spent hours tracking down the random edge that was out of whack in order to make my environment work properly. This is really something trivial to fix that would bring a lot of good.

Exactly, for game assets I live and breath that kind of snapping approach. I’m hoping it can be addressed in the future, the sooner the better.

The only application with a real functional history stack is xsi. Houdini track all operation into is node viewport, but move/scale/rotate operation are not recorded.

Modo has not history also not modifier stack like blender.

History can be complicated. Taking the example, in softiamge you can create a cylinder and in any moment open the item PPG and cage the edges number. but if you just done some operations into the mesh (extruding, bevel etc.) the result is a messing vertex/edges mesh…
It very useful when applying some modifier (but blender has just this). In any case, if you don’t want softimage turn down his performance must cancel time to time the history stack. So, I like it, but I think is not a crucial move.

Snapping is pretty good for my purpose, work like softimage, press CRTL and snapping in fly the moved vertex/edge/face

What is very limited for me is:

  • cannot edit two item at some time
  • the outliner is near to useless
  • the Hadles orientation system is a bit over complicated, I think need to be like others application: handle orientation and pivot point fuse in a single mode and not two separate menu. Some time make the handles orientation correctly is pretty hard and is one of the most convulsed workflow inside blender

I hope that modifier will be instance-able so, for example, you can select different objects, apply a modifier (for example an edge split) and every “modifier” modify will affect all the objects you have previous selected.

Agree, will improve a lot the workflow.

Nah, Maya is known for its history stack as well. Very functional. Technically it has two stacks, one is in tab form the other via a list. Very useful. I would often apply a bunch of edge loops and the realize i need their position changed. So I would click on the list to the right and pull down every edge loop action I made previously, then set all their values to something like say, .9 for being near the edge of another loop or .5 and put them squarely in the middle. I love it!

Snapping is pretty good for my purpose, work like softimage, press CRTL and snapping in fly the moved vertex/edge/face

I would say its about average. Once I got used to Maya’s snapping method and its precision, nothing else felt workable. I guess its a matter of experiences.

What is very limited for me is:

  • cannot edit two item at some time
  • the outliner is near to useless
  • the Hadles orientation system is a bit over complicated, I think need to be like others application: handle orientation and pivot point fuse in a single mode and not two separate menu. Some time make the handles orientation correctly is pretty hard and is one of the most convulsed workflow inside blender

I agree, though perhaps not on the outliner. It could be better and have more functionality, but it does for the most part what its designed to do.

HAve not great experience in maya, I don’t like the modelling workflow (I talk about release 2010 when I tested it) so I discharge it after some test and chose softimage for my freelance work. Also I was influenced by one of the best modeller out there (vitaly bulgarov).
In any case, I can talk only for my personal need ( I model a lot of characters for 3d printer), don’t know it in other tasks if snapping is limited.
I remember by my test if I doing some action and turn back at the root (one of the first action), the mesh turn out very messy like softimage. Also need to be cleaned very frequently or Maya perfomance slow down (more than softimage)

About outliner, I think is limited, like Handles Orientation and Pivot point menu, in blender we have two GUI functions seprate but need to be the some: outliner and layer. A complete outliner with the capability of grouping item can make obsolete Layer system, also you will have infinite layers in the outliner, can rename it and find more easily the item/layer you need. A good example of layer system is Item List in modo, a outliner/layer in a single tab.

Better faking GI solutions in BI. (Cycles is too time-consuming for rendering long animations, period.)
Supporting bump maps on approximate gather would be a nice forward step.

improving “Group” behaviour- once few objects are grouped they should act as a single object,a single click to select all objects in the group(no shift+g),no need to parent to empty to move objects around,scale popup should show the size of the whole group.maybe “tab” can enable to selct one object inside groupability set different wirecolors for objects.(supposed to be a one line code!)an array(instanced) command - 1,2,3D arrays,spiral/circular array,array along curve with cumulative/random transforms,array within boundary.

improving “Group” behaviour- once few objects are grouped they should act as a single object,a single click to select all objects in the group(no shift+g),no need to parent to empty to move objects around,scale popup should show the size of the whole group.maybe “tab” can enable to selct one object inside groupability set different wirecolors for objects.(supposed to be a one line code!)array modifier (instanced) - 1,2,3D arrays,spiral/circular array,array along curve with cumulative/random transforms,array within boundary -without using empties.


Like other softs !

Throw my vote for real snap to grid into the massive pile.

I understand that the devs think that snap to increment is better, but there comes a time when you have to stop forcing your users to use your “better” method and just give them the option to do it like they want. Let me emphasize that: the OPTION to have real snap to grid. I do NOT want snap-to-increment removed or replaced by default even; I just want the OPTION to snap-to-grid.