Links & Library Overrides are still glitchy after 4 years of development

Thanks for putting this together !

I think best is to have each request as a separated post just like with bug reports. Maybe each post can point to a doc that put them all together.

Sounds good ! I was surprised it’s impossible to override an instanced collection within an override.
Did you try with python ? sometime it’s more forgiving than through the UI.
While it should be possible to override nested instance collection, I think the only way for that to work is to have a cascading overriding from the “deepest level” to the top, is that how you envision the feature ?

Indeed this might be useful , especially for long name / lists.

This might work against the actual design that make a good job of making assets file agnostic.
Assets version and variant is something planned but which might come latter in asset browser’s development :

Did you read all these design documents ?

Basically while you might use current asset browser for set dressing or managing assets ( char, sets, props) within a project it’s not supposed to handle that well yet.
Linking from asset browser make very little sense to me, so is versioning assets .blends.
Even if it worked, you don’t have operators that allows to upgrade an asset to it’s latest version within a shot for instance.
What you ask is basically already there :

Less convenient I agree… It’s probably possible to add the .blend name to that panel with a custom script as part of your pipeline’s scripts.
Bottom line is, I got the feeling that is more solving your particular case which is out of scope of the current asset browser, rather than solving an issue that will be useful to many. It doesn’t seem to take current design goals into account either.
That doesn’t prevent you from suggesting the idea but I’m not sure it would work.

It’s probably related to your hardware, on my side blender is very stable being at home or office. Crashing reports are high priority and generally fixed within a few days. They might come from an addon, outdated GFX drivers, old blender versions…
There are backtrace that you can access in the tmp folder after the crash. Did you try to send them with bug reports ? Maybe try to use blender on a regular gamer pc with standard hardware ( intel proc, nvidia GFX) and see if it works better ?

Sure, developer prefer working on developing and they don’t always write a lot of information in the documentation. We can’t blame them for spending little time here, users can add more example and details, but only devs can code for blender :
Unless at some point there is enough funding to hire documentation writers, translators… it’s on us…

Well, in that case you made a false assumption :
It’s from Agent 327 short.
Interesting stuff here : Multi-Layer Cloth Demo Dance

But, again blender isn’t organized like a commercial project, it’s a community effort.
Devs obviously test their work, there are also open movies that help polish them further, but beside that there isn’t an official testing team to make sure things work and eventually write doc.
When a feature is developed it’s generally discussed with blender studio artists, tested there and also it’s open to the community to test and give feedback :

Some feature channel more attention than others, and it doesn’t always get feedback from seasoned professionals, but basically we are the testing team, and also responsible for a more detailed documentation…

Again please consider what resources BF have, not what they could/should do in your opinion.
Consider the time it takes to make array modifier compatible with collection to land in master compared to the needed time to make a GN setup.
Currently GN is still in early stage, but at some point if it’s not your thing you should be able to get your hand on an existing setup especially for simple case like this. Or ask here, your example sounds pretty simple and I’m sure some more experienced users could help you figure out the missing bits.

That will probably settle too… Some youtubers don’t help a lot since they post clickbait video while the feature are still in development, but it’s starting to settle and probably tutorials made today will still be relevant in the coming years, at least for the foundational stuff. I agree GN is hard to learn, but think it like python, not everyone has to know it to take advantage of it.
Many people use addons they don’t know how to write, and eventually GN will be the same, with the added benefit of a simpler and more powerful interface to learn.

Hope that helps moving things forward !

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