low(ish) poly man MK III (IV?)

plus it wouldn’t be any better if I spent longer on it - I am even more of a n00b at animating than I am at the rest of blender so it will be a while before I can do anything better.

well its better then what i can do =) and your newer then me i think…

This is the latest version. With eyes with a slightly odd glow to them (quick and dirty iris material - materials haven’t yet been part of my blender education so apologies).

To render - raytracing on for eyes (to see through cornea), SSS on for skin.

Have disabled the subsurf modifier in the 3D viewport as it is a bit slow.

Custom bomes are just hidden near the mesh - not yet tidied away somewhere neat.

Animating bones on armature layer 1, knee and elbow controls on layer 2 plus a few others controlled better with layer 1, other bones on layer 8. Hand controls seem to have found their way onto layer 2 as well as layer 1.

Arms and legs both controlled with IK.

Open for suggestions as to what can be done better.


GeneriMoe.blend (883 KB)

Just an update - have partly rigged face. Still plenty to do. May also edit shape keys to allow for some more exaggerated movements.

Out of interest - how many polys does a mesh need to have to be a low poly one? This guy has a few though not a great deal.

Still some ugly deformation of wrists which I will fix at some stage.

He’s almost becoming usefully animatable though.

Tried to upload him but he’s too big for the forum now! Will mediafire him later. Off to watch TV.


I would say somewhere around 2K for a pretty decently detailed model with individual fingers, ears … though no individual toes … decent enough for medium to long shots with normal UV maps for additional detail …

4507 verts seems a bit too high in my opinion … considering once you add the subsurf you effectively cube the vertex count (and this at only level 1) …

You could get rid of about 500 verts just in the head (if not more) … I’m not trying to be critical here, it’s just that you will get better at modeling by reducing your poly count … blocking in from simple shapes and then adding detail by adding edge loops is the exact same simple principle that any draftsman learns when drawing a picture …

He started out with me trying to be fairly economical with the poly count but once the hands and particularly head were added that blew out a little. Far better than my original attempt where i just subdivided and added edge loops (topology was still just subdivided cube with extrusions).

I have looked a little at the model high -> retopo and use first to get better detail on second but it’s still a bit out of my league. Still have a lot of learning with the basics to go.

I expect in a year or two I might be able to try it but I’ll see - this is a hobby so anything that’s not fun gets ignored.