Lucy and The Time Machine 2.0 ( NEWS )

Wow! Coming along great! I also will be in for the contest. You can see my game below…On my signature…

Great work so far! I’m also working on a 2.5D sidescroller, so it’s fun to see the different direction you’re taking your game.

Just one crit - make the top of the plant’s “head” more rounded? It looks a bit strange so flat. Other than that, awesome work!

Would you consider screen capturing as you make one of your future art assets. Yours is some of the best game art being released on BA at the moment and I think we could all learn from observing your work flow.

It is a good idea! Thanks :rolleyes:

Micha702 - This look good and I download your game, but i don´t can play this… the FPS is 0.00001 :eek:
99.8% spent on physics… I don´t know if this is some bug in my blender but this don´t run here. :no:

make the top of the plant’s “head” more rounded? It looks a bit strange so flat. Other than that, awesome work!

Thanks, you´re right :slight_smile:

In this week we will work in more concepts ( mostly enemies ), scene props and game palette style, i´m using kuller ( and mypaint for tests…

Updates with new images and videos soon!
Thanks all
Bye :stuck_out_tongue:


Yesterday Bernardo Hesselman make two concepts of importants characters of the game…
Dr Jules V. the Lucy´s Grandfather and The evil Count Sant G.


Bye! xD

I met with Bernardo today to decide some details about the project… we´re very busy with examination in school, so … no updates this week.
But the next update will have a new video, concepts and images.

Woah looks awesome, but I’m not sure about the…little blond girl you play as? Couldn’t you make the character cooler or maybe turn the cute little girl into a fox or something? I think a female koala would be much cooler. Just a suggestion, cuz most boys will never sit more than 5 min infront of a game where you play as a little power puff girl. And I don’t think girls will either??

They’ll play it if it’s cool enough.

I’d play, if it’s good, even if it was a cat, plant or ballerina! After awhile, the player incorporates the player, and stop seeing what it really is but sees what it does!

(…).little blond girl you play as? Couldn’t you make the character cooler or maybe turn the cute little girl into a fox or something? I think a female koala would be much cooler. Just a suggestion, cuz most boys will never sit more than 5 min infront of a game where you play as a little power puff girl. And I don’t think girls will either??
What do you think against little cute girls? There are any rule in the game´s word saying that all games must have a Strong Marine like Gears of War? Little cute girls are much more charismatic than they…
This game is not directed at any specific audience. I hope that both girls and boys, young or old, play this game and like that.

These are images of the scene test with some props and improvements in features. This is not the final stage, but you can see how the ambientation will be… Of course many things can change but this is a start…

Sorry my bad english xD

Looks cool!!! Really cool. Is it playable yet?
The textures look kinda weird thogh. Make sure you have backed AO to the textures just incase you haven’t already. It doesn’t look like you have. Then it will look a lot better.

quite impressive renders there, keep up the good work XD

I like! I don’t think it’s not ‘cool’ enough, it’s awesome the way it is! I can’t wait to play this in the comptition! Great Job Vitor! (if that’s your name)

Nice job!

Thanks guys

Mokazon: In my pc i get FPS 57~60 with 1280x1024 ( no AA, no AF )
And really this don´t have shadow Bake yet…
Remember… this is the same sandbox but with props… this is not a real stage of game…

Yes… my real name is “Vitor Balbio”
Thanks guys ^^

That looks great, but since the girl is so cartoony looking. I think you should make the textures a bit more cartoony looking too. Just increase the colour and contrast of everything. :wink:

Vitor: So, if I understand right, this is a sort of test? I see now. Great.

BTW, is playable?(I.E. Animated, controlls, physics, etc.) I understand if you have just the basics right now :slight_smile: I’m sure this will turn out AMAZING in the end as usual xD

Keep up the great work Vito, This is looking really cool. Ive been following this and I think is awesome. Very inspirational… makes me wanna work on my own stuff. Keep it up!

EDIT: BTW, I really like the sort of blurred look of the things in front. (Maybe that wasn’t intentional but it seems as if your keeping the focus on the character and not the surroundings. Nice touch… (if that’s the case of course))

Excellent screens, I would definately buy this for my daughter. I am confident this game will be VERY popular.

Yay screenshots! The stuff in the foreground looks kind of odd, though.

I like it but the textures on the forground objects are a bit low res. If I’m not mistaken you used the same meshes for foreground and background objects? It might be nicer to push up the fore ground’s detail a tiny bit to increase since it’s so close to the camera.

The colour palate is also a bit muted. You cited trine as a reference so if you want to emulate that a bit you should make the colours more vivid so they really pop. Use the full range of colour and range from black to white. By expanding the colour range and the intensity levels the game would become very striking visually.

Yes… this is only a test, is not a real stage of game,:o and is playable :

Lucy/Pii Systems ( ~95% done )
Enemies Systems ( 100% done )
Default Scene Events ( ~50% done )

Graphics ( ~20% done )
Sounds ( 0% done ) - probably will release in contest without sounds.
Graphics 2D ( -10% done )

I really like the sort of blurred look of the things in front. (Maybe that wasn’t intentional but it seems as if your keeping the focus on the character and not the surroundings. Nice touch… (if that’s the case of course))

This is a DOF 2Dfilter Shader ( Original is by martinsh, i only did some optmizations… )

Yay screenshots! The stuff in the foreground looks kind of odd, though.

You´re right, there are many things to fix in a real stage and many props to do yet…

Thanks all to the sugestions! :wink:
in the next week we will start a real stage… :smiley:
I hope you are enjoying the project! :wink:
Bye! :stuck_out_tongue: