LuxCoreRender v2.2

You have defined a world volume with IOR = 1.5 and your glass has the same IOR of 1.5. The result is correct (if the IORs are equal, no refraction happens).

Usually air has an IOR of 1 - when I use that as world volume, I get the result you might be looking for?

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Thanks! Now it is ok. I would never be able to find it by myself. :smiley:

I’ve been following this and anxiously waiting for 2.8. BYOB puts in a TON of work on this. I added a few bucks to the bounty as a show of thanks for all the work you do. I know you’re going to get it done anyways but your hard work doesn’t go unnoticed.
I know some people have mentioned simplifying the interface or having a couple render presets would help.
It was also a little hard for me to find the page to donate, so here’s a direct link for anyone else that’s interested.


Thank you oaschwab!

Since a few days I’m working on a “cycles node reader” that translates Cycles nodes to LuxCore materials at export time. No actual visible node trees are modified, and you can enable/disable the usage of the Cycles nodes for each material at any time.

I have recorded some demo videos about it:

(older videos: and

Note that it’s very early work in progress and only very few nodes (around 5 or so) are supported right now. There’s a lot of work to be done still on this topic.


Awesome work @B.Y.O.B , and these caustics are impressive.
I’ve been meaning to give it a try in Blender 2.8 but I keep getting this error

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\chafouin\Desktop\blender-2.80.0-git.699193713fc0-windows64\2.80\scripts\modules\", line 351, in enable
    mod = __import__(module_name)
  File "C:\Users\chafouin\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.80\scripts\addons\BlendLuxCore\", line 23, in <module>
    raise Exception(msg + "\n\nImportError: %s" % error) from None

Could not import pyluxcore.
You probably forgot to install one of the redistributable packages.
They are listed in the release announcement post.

ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.

I have installed the 2.79 redistributable packages. I downloaded the BlendLuxCore 2.8 refactor version from github, copied it on top of the 2.79 BlendLuxCore to make sure to have all the binaries.
Is there something else to do to make it work in 2.8?

You have to compile LuxCore with Python 3.7 instead of 3.5 (also you need to compile the branch).
I would give you a compiled pyluxcore, but honestly the addon is not in a state usable for end-users yet.
There will be an official alpha release once I think it makes sense.

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There seems to be a basic bug with materials, using Blender 2.79.

I set up my Lux based materials and they render just fine, I save my BLEND file and when I reopen, all the material are gone?

Lux 2.2 Alpha0 does not seem to be able to re-attach the materials to the scene, after Blender is opened again.

This is a bug in 2.79, you need 2.79b (the b is important).

Thank you, 2.79b does work correctly and even found the materials that were previously lost.

Another thing that does not seem to be working, using 2.79b, is that the denoised image is never saved to disk when I render an animation sequence.

How do I get the denoised image written to disk automatically?
I have tried with both denoiser check boxes (Render and Viewport) on and

The denoised image is available as an extra pass in the compositor. You can save it by routing it into the composite output, or you can save it alongside the raw result (and other passes) by using the file output node:

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In the last months I have tested the animation capabilities of v2.2 and want to share some results:

Because of OIDN and persistent PhotonGI cache it is possible to render 3k frames in less than 5 min on a Windows PC with RTX 2070 + GTX 1060 (PathOCL).
The new hybrid engine lets you add caustics rendered super fast on CPU with no time penalty.

Big thanks to all the devs for their great work :+1:


Very awesome, I will wait to luxcore for blender 2.8 :open_mouth:


awesome work, would this allow in the end to use eevee in parallel with lux in theory ? this would be great !

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This is something I would hope for eventually too. Have eevee as a quick previz engine for materials etc. I hope blender devs are thinking about this too and don’t “lock” somehow compatibility with cycles only.

The amount of overlap between LuxCore and Cycles/Eevee nodes is not that big, but should be enough for most material setups in a common scene. As long as you stay within that overlap, you will indeed be able to share the same node tree between all three engines.
I should probably draw a diagram or something to illustrate how much overlap there is (both for myself and for others).


great news ! yeah it could be very interesting to have an overview of this overlap !
And theoratically, would it be possible to setup a complex lux shader and use eevee to roughly preview it, using “shortcut” when used nodes are not part of this overlap, in a transparent way ?

Yes, that’s also possible.

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wow that would be great !
looking forward for using lux with 2.8 (maybe one day in conjunction with eevee :smile: )
thx for to all devs for your great work !
cheers !