I would like to make a wing using geometry node. I would like something like “birail” or more than “bi” to control several profiles and the “rails” between the profiles after the shape has been made. (This is why I would like to use geometry nodes).
Something like this but with the rails in more:
How can I do this using the basic geometry nodes in blender ?
Loft curve isn’t super complex to build , but it asks for a good understanding of geometry nodes.
If you work a bit with them you’ll probably figure out how to do it on your own.
If you are starting with geo nodes I recommend you to do a lot of tutorials and make sure you got strong basis before starting anything else.
In that matter, looking at what Higgsas did can be a good learning experience.
And that will give you something before you end up knowing how to do it by yourself.
here is a very very basic version to get started : loft curve.blend (150.2 KB)
but I’d probably build it in a much more robust way with more nodes.
Another option is to convert the curves to a mesh ( edges) extrude that and retrieve the position of the “next” curve for the extruded part.
I come back to this topic because I’m trying to use Animation Nodes addon to do the first example of wings. But when I try with the nodes we can see on the gif, it doesn’t work.
Activate Curve Tools in add-ons ( included)
select 2 curves …
go to edit mode…
under N-Panel > Edit > Surfaces
Press LOFT ( used in boat, and aircraft modeling)
I already tried this solution, even if I discover this time the birail. Unfortunately, this solution is destructive. One time the loft is made, the initial curves can’t have any effect on the loft because the result is a mesh.
This is why I prefer geometry nodes and the animation nodes to find a solution.
Thank you AlphaChannel, but this addin is not free. And by the way I would like to understand how to do it with Animation Nodes anyway. And just to undersand how it works in the video. (gif)
Ah ok, good news. I didn’t know because the addon is to sell on blendermarket.
Anyway, it’s not for 10$. My goal is to learn and to understand where is my mistake. This is why I would like to undersand how it works with animation nodes add-on.
I think I’ve found. There are a few details not easy to find to consider but it works.