Make a wing using geometry nodes


I would like to make a wing using geometry node. I would like something like “birail” or more than “bi” to control several profiles and the “rails” between the profiles after the shape has been made. (This is why I would like to use geometry nodes).

Something like this but with the rails in more:

enter image description here

How can I do this using the basic geometry nodes in blender ?

Kind regards.

This guy has a lot of ready made nodes for download for free here,

take a look at loft curve.

Hope that helps


Thank you for your answer. By the way, you think there is no solution only using the geometry node from Blender ?

Kind regards.

PS: The Higgsas geometry nodes are not free, no ?

Loft curve isn’t super complex to build , but it asks for a good understanding of geometry nodes.
If you work a bit with them you’ll probably figure out how to do it on your own.

Thank you @sozap for your answer. At least now I know this is possible to do from basic geometry nodes of blender.

As I am a beginner, if you have any leads to start I am interested :slight_smile:

Kind regards.

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If you are starting with geo nodes I recommend you to do a lot of tutorials and make sure you got strong basis before starting anything else.

In that matter, looking at what Higgsas did can be a good learning experience.
And that will give you something before you end up knowing how to do it by yourself.

here is a very very basic version to get started :
loft curve.blend (150.2 KB)

but I’d probably build it in a much more robust way with more nodes.
Another option is to convert the curves to a mesh ( edges) extrude that and retrieve the position of the “next” curve for the extruded part.


Hey just find out about that one :

That should be way better to learn about the technique !

Have fun !



I come back to this topic because I’m trying to use Animation Nodes addon to do the first example of wings. But when I try with the nodes we can see on the gif, it doesn’t work.

Does someone could do it to see what I miss ?

Thank you.
animation node 001.blend (886.5 KB)

Nobody knows ?

Just another way to LOFT…

Activate Curve Tools in add-ons ( included)
select 2 curves …
go to edit mode…
under N-Panel > Edit > Surfaces
Press LOFT ( used in boat, and aircraft modeling)

I can’t see what is going on in your gif…too small…
I don’t have animation nodes installed

Thank you RSEhlers for your answer.

I already tried this solution, even if I discover this time the birail. Unfortunately, this solution is destructive. One time the loft is made, the initial curves can’t have any effect on the loft because the result is a mesh.

This is why I prefer geometry nodes and the animation nodes to find a solution.

As I already wrote above @higgsas has a node for that!

This is exactly what you want is it not?

Hope that helps.

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Thank you AlphaChannel, but this addin is not free. And by the way I would like to understand how to do it with Animation Nodes anyway. And just to undersand how it works in the video. (gif)

it is free its, downloadable from this site.

Ah ok, good news. I didn’t know because the addon is to sell on blendermarket.

Anyway, it’s not for 10$. My goal is to learn and to understand where is my mistake. This is why I would like to undersand how it works with animation nodes add-on.

I think I’ve found. There are a few details not easy to find to consider but it works.