Make holes in object faster

Dear Sirs:
I’m making a protector for the arm. To then print it in 3D.
I have the mold of my arm, since I scanned it with a 3D scanner.

I want to make holes, but I take a long time to make them.

I do them by projecting the images of irregular polygons on the mold with the tool project cuts and then I will erase the faces. This is how I can make the holes in the arm mold.

I would like to know if there is any way to do it with another technique within Blender to save time.

I have been told to use Shape Keys, but I can not do it.

I think it would be a good idea to flatten the entire mold of the arm and project the cuts flat, erase the faces and then return it to its original position, so that the mold by lowering it in Z to 0 flattens out.

Can someone give me a solution?

I send the blender file of how I start it and another of how I want it to remain at the end.
Only shorten the process of going hole by hole removing faces and correcting errors of vertices.

Thank youprotector.blend (3.0 MB)

Hey, i don’t quite get it, do you need your holes to be precise? (form / position etc) or they just random? Why can’t you subtract them using the boolean modifier? I downloaded your file, did you make these holes using knife project?

First, a concept sketch to clearly communicate your idea, vision.
Maybe Tissue comes handy here :wink:

I do them by projecting the images of irregular polygons on the mold with the tool project cuts and then I will erase the faces. This is how I can make the holes in the arm mold.

But tool “project cuts” doesn’t exist in blender (or i’m not aware of this tool). There is “knife project” tool, maybe you’re talking about this tool. But then i’m confused what are you trying to achieve? Do you want to cut through your object like this? When holes are on both sides?

Why do you want to flatten the entire mesh, you can just use “cut through” option in the knife project tool. After this new faces will be automatically selected so you would press X and F to delete all the faces, it takes like 10 sec for everything from start to finish.

Dear Sir:

That is the solution I was looking for. Actually, my blender is in Spanish, and you are right, what I mean is what you say about knife cuts.
What I did not know was the option to cut through, that thanks to you I’ve seen it and it’s going to take a long time.
I thank you again and thank you very much for your help.

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