Man of War

The result of many MANY hours of research, modeling, and everything else that goes with it. I have always loved artwork involving the golden age of sail. This ship is sort of the quintessential ship I think of as a ship of the line or man o war.

All modeling, UV, texturing, rigging (in the 3D sense :wink: ), and rendering were done in Blender.

It’s available on Artstation if you are interested.


Your Man of War looks awesome! :heart_eyes:



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Nicely done.

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Thank you!

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Thank you :slight_smile:

Thank you :slight_smile:

Awesome, I love ships!

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Thanks, me too! I’ll probably be making a bunch of scenes to you this one in.

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Great work!

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Thank you! It took a long time. It’s great to see that other like it as well!

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Magnificent! :grinning:

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I admire the dedication that goes into bringing such a project to fruition… but it’s all the more regrettable that it’s being presented in this grey gradient.
I’m not talking about staging it in the middle of the ocean, but I find that even the clay rendering on a plain background works better.
A bit of colour perhaps and/or a graphic suggestion of the waterline…more attention to framing.
It looks like you stopped 100 m before the finish of the marathon :grimacing:


Thank you!

I’m not sure I follow the logic. Are you suggesting that just a model without materials would look more… finished? A neutral back ground is just that. Neutral. These renders are meant to showcase the asset rather than form a composition.

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No, I’m not saying to show the model without materials. I’m just giving you my opinion on the choice of background.
Any rendering is a composition. But if you don’t care that much about the presentation, that’s your choice, of course.

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!


Woohoo! Thanks!

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You’re on the featured row! :+1:

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That’s terrific ! Ships are so difficult to do…
Have you rigged the sails also ? If so I would be very interested by the way you have handled them. I Have made the rig for one ship of PolyHaven and I am half convinced by my solution which was very tedious to do.