Mark Zuckerberg But wait…
This is my fun stylized take on 2014 famous meme about him being a lizard person.
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You’ve captured him perfectly.
Now he can’t deny UwU
No one as clearly a lizard person as this weird guy … except Sam Altman, maybe.
Great job!
Thank you !
I think you’re on to something!
My 15 years of research led to this…My life is in danger now XD
I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!
Thank you
Great job, it’s masterpiece, sense of humor and style, amazing work
I personally think this is timely satire considering Meta/Facebook’s latest affront to privacy. Basically, there is some update in Facebook and Instagram where the lizard-man automatically opts everyone in to having everything they ever typed in a post or every image or video they publicly uploaded used as data to train their vague AI algorithm ambitions. I had deleted my Facebook and Instagram (now Meta) accounts 3 years ago, but I wouldn’t be too shocked if this change is retroactive and takes full advantage of the stuff I did post when I used to be active on those websites.
Technically, due to EU laws and regulations, they have to have a form where you can protest this change, but of course they made it as cumbersome as possible for the average social media user and full of legal-ese language to parse, and in the case of Instagram the form is deliberately unreadable on a phone screen (where the full-featured version of the site is). Finally, the odds of Meta actually caring to read the form you sent them, let alone honor requests to opt out of having even more of your identity used to their advantage, are almost zero unless world governments actually forcefully enforces such regulations against them. Classic “finding loopholes in the law” that Mark Zuckerburg has long engaged in. Even ArtStation or Deviantart’s “feel-good” opt-out button that doesn’t actually opt you out is too transparent and ethical for his kind, it seems.
If he is not a lizard man, he is most certainly a snake.
Thank you !
never noticed before
the similarity
only one half is the real him, you forgot to make the other side green too…
So Zuckerberg is allowing AI to freely use any posts I make on Instagram?
I don’t use Facebook anymore, but I am cautious about AI’s encroachment of privacy that these big tech companies allow.
Something like that yes. I have created an account on Cara App. I quit instagram and switch there indefinitely
What is Cara app?
I guess this is why I have never spent any time on “social media,” and I never will. Yet, I have over the years authored tens of thousands(!) of posts on topic-specific forums like this one. “Social media” has no purpose and no taxonomy. It exists only to attract attention and sell advertising. To me, it is a waste of time and energy. Your Mileage May Vary.™
A “conventional forum” like this one is populated by experienced people who share a common passion. You can post a question here – in a very targeted subforum – and very promptly get a good answer that can save you many hours of time. “Social media” does the opposite. Everybody feels good (I guess …) by hearing each other talk, but nothing gets done.
It almost always is, except as a way to be in touch with other people, and to get tips for writing and playing video games. But there are sites outside of social media that specialize in those things, thanks to the internet.