Marvin the Paranoid Android

Alrighty then…

I just had to create a “fan” reproduction of the lovely depressive Android Marvin from
the movie “Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy”.

It’s airing friday 12th here in Denmark…can you tell I’m a fan? :smiley:

very nice. rendered with yafray i assume?


Well, though I do think that Marvin… and 99% of everything else in that movie… was a bastardization of Adams’ ingeniousness, you modeled it quite well.

But honestly, it doesn’t make sense that a depressed robot look like a shiny apple product. Guess marketing was too excited about “going witht the trends”…

I thought so too when I first saw him, but in the movie it worked quite well if you knew the books. I don’t know how it worked for those who didn’t tho, because imho they just didn’t push his personality and purpose through well enough. But his eyes are like described, and they probably wanted to put the I have a brain the size of a planet into his looks :slight_smile:
I must be the only one who liked the movie it seems :slight_smile: I think the mood of the books came through well, tho the changes in the storyline were completely uncalled for.
And yes, nice model, no matter what:)

Marvin! So you didn’t die in book 3!
Great model and rendering. I don’t like the pose that much though.

The movie wasn’t as good as it should’ve been, except for Marvin ofcrouse. They should’ve stuck to the actual ending. But I guess since the books after book 2 suck, they had to stop somewhere.

very cute with that big head, he looks sad with those eyes :expressionless:

Ahaha very nice man keep up the good work. Though i don’t know the robot i like your work

Great, simply superb, it looks just like him

Here is a pic of him in the movie

Really nice work JoOngle.


great work but i thought he had a goldish tinge meh maybe im to tierd

I’m with you, man. Maybe I’ll model what I think Marvin should look like… some time. Like he said, good model though.

haha, he’s so sweet :slight_smile:

Marvin was (in the movie) the thing that kept the movie interesting, very excellent work :slight_smile:

Gotta agree. The combination of Warwick Davis’s acting and Alan Rickman’s voice was the perfect combination for Marvin.

There’s four different versions of H2G2; the original radio play, the TV series, the books and the movie. All of them have things in common, and all of them have things that’re different. If something in the movie isn’t the same as something in the book/TV series/radio play, then it’s just in keeping with the spirit of the whole product.

If I looked like an iPod, I’d definately be depressed!

if you look very closely and pay attention in the movie, you will see the marvin from the tv-series in a scene. just thought you’d like to know :wink:

good luck finding him!

OMG! A lot of messages! :o

Thanks guys!

And yes, it’s rendered with Yafray 0.08 (whats up with a low version number like that anyway? :smiley: )

Didn’t take more than 3 minutes either…cached pathlights and all.
The modeling took slightly longer…he he…

Anyway, I did get some pretty harsh critique from another forum from a huge HG2TG
fan, and I Intend to make some corrections, and then later on…post some
cute angles for you to enjoy :slight_smile:

Again, thanks!

Heh, great modeling! I wanted to do this myself, but never got around to it. The pose is boring, but would have been very funny if he was holding a towel in his raised hand! Or maybe put him in a sort of Rodan’s Thinker pose on top a pile of somethings. I have some suggestions for the materials:

The eye texture is perfect, but I think you should also put halos there to give him that glowy eyes effect. As for the white shell it needs more fresnel and minneart with high rms and medium (slightly yellow) spec would give him a more pearlescent (i hope you know that word! :slight_smile: ) plastic appearance like in the movie.

Just wanted to give you some ideas. With just a little bit more work, this piece will be absolutely perfect! :smiley:

Looks fantastic JoOngle, really nice bit of artwork. The eye texture is indeed very nice and the character looks exactly like what I’ve seen in the trailers, very accurate. You really do like modelling stuff that you’re a fan of !! :smiley: .


B.T.W where are you finding the time do all this lately, as you seem to be producing stuff at lightspeed !!

I especially like the material - except maybe a bit more reflective would look nicer - or maybe not - good job


A little closeup…hopefully showing Marvin’s sadness…


Thanks, yeah…more poses later! Promise! Gotta iron out the bugs after seeing the original
in the movies today. He will get rigged. About the eyes, I’ve made some improvements
(check the update above).


Thanks, I just love modelling characters in general, especially if they’re cute. Can’t stay
away from cute…have some strange obsession with cuteness… :o


Thanks, will look into it. Gotta chizzle out some more details.

yet another update, was at the movies today and saw it…

My website is down tonight for unknown reasons… so I’m going to break with
my tradition and upload it as a elysiun in-forum image this time around…

Click on the image to see it fullsize!
