Master Tigress

So awesome !!! :star_struck: :clap: :clap:

That’s really sad, i was recently trying to find the best tigress model and found this. I was hoping to get one in private so i could do few artworks, i would’ve payed more if so.

That’s funny. This whole time I thought the 3D modeler/rigger didn’t want you to share the model partly out of fear of it getting thirtyfoured.

What’s not as funny is knowing I can be oblivious to something that’s almost right in front of me for 7 years if I’m convinced enough of my assumption. Even if that something could be of some… intellectual interest to me :wink:

Tigress has seen some stuff, indeed. Just none of it posted in here of course :slight_smile:

The model isn’t shared because I paid a lot for a professional artist to create it.

Of course, no problem.
You got good btw. Very good. Also I wonder how the new “Huang” variant for Principled Hair BSDF and AgX will improve this character (as well as Judy Hopps who’s fur is still nowhere near as good-looking as the movie version).

From my experience at least AgX greatly improves everything immediately (or with some light adjustments).

Any chance you might try it out ?

Thanks! A long time has passed since this model was created, so I have also updated it quite a bit since.

I have tried out the new Huang variant and it looked terrible. So I quickly reverted. As far as I remember, the fur got all dark and muddy looking.

I’ve been working a ton on a new model though, Sisu, from Raya and the Last Dragon. Has been a project I’ve gone back and forth on for years though. So the Tigress model hasn’t gotten as much love lately.

Come to think of it I’m not sure Tigress’s fur and color grading need much improvement actually. At least not nearly as much as Judy Hopps, but that’s because KFP came out 8 years earlier, didn’t use the ground-breaking fur technology Zootopia did and has a more art-directed/less photorealistic color grading. The only aspects that are truly veering from “movie” Tigress are the modeling and rigging.

Well except you may gain in performance and flexibility by using the new Hair object type instead of a particle system. Have you tried that ?

You mean the new Geometry Node hair system? I’ve tried it and it wasn’t for me yet. I’d like some more work done on it before switching. Just seems like a half baked solution right now, which is much more difficult to work with than the old system.