Material Pipeline 1.0 is Now Free

Amazing move, dude! Jumped at it at got the free tier :slight_smile:

Thank you for this fantastic resource

You can thank Greg Zaal and HDRI Haven. Material Pipeline 1.0 is now free too :slight_smile: See the main post for details.

HI there
Did you figure out a fix for that minor but annoying issue I emailed about back in February? Will the fix be part of version 2 now?

Extract from email
File “C:\Users\design prototype\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.78\scripts\addons\ONELVXE”, line 201, in draw
if groupDataBlock[‘AutoMaps.isAutoMap’]:
KeyError: ‘bpy_struct[key]: key “AutoMaps.isAutoMap” not found’

Yes, it will be fixed, and with Add-on Updater in place it will be easy to get you bug fixes on a regular basis


Besides the material library, how is your shader different and/or better than the Principled Shader in 2.79?
Would also like a tutorial on integrating Substance Painter with the pipeline. :smiley:

BTW, liked the audio-driven animation demo & music…very cool! :cool:

There was a comparison in render time here:
I´m not sure if those times still apply though. The Principled BSDF seems to be slower with SSS and translucent materials.

Looks like there are more controls in the ONLVXE vs those in the Principled(?)

I guess my main question is, can you do more with the ONLVXE than with the Principled Shader alone?
(the cool library aside)


@3Dcal The difference is that the ONELVXE Shader decomposes the shading types, thus, you have all of those green shading outputs on the node. Otherwise, they are mostly the same. One thing to consider is ONELVXE Shader will probably look slightly better, or will be a closer approximation to what your materials will look like in a game engine. I would use the ONELVXE Shader if you want more control over the shading and want to combine them in fun ways, and then use Blender’s built in Principled Shader if you are interested in near 100% physical accuracy.

Thanks Jay!

I always choose fun vs 100% physical accuracy (no fun). :smiley:

I’m ready for v2 now. :wink: