I have searched for many hours looking for the blender material preview scene blendfile. I’ve only found amazing materials from amazing artists, but I never found the sample scene they used to display their materials
I’m looking for this scene:
Can someone PLEASE post a direct link to the blendfile that contains this ball-shaped thing in it (I just need the scene, it doesn’t matter what material it’s using) I see that everyone is using it to test materials, but no one has it to download. (>_<)
I This scene should really be on blender’s official site, or somehow accessible from blender itself.
You’re a life saver, I saw posts from that user before in my searches, but they were just discussing the material preview file, that thread didn’t show up
I never would have found it without your help
The author abbreviated “Blender Material Preview Scene” to “B.M.P.S” after searching that I eventually found it through a link from a Blendswap upload:
That was fun, thank you for your help
edit: the user above this post just found it as I was posting this message LOL