After careful consideration it is decided that the work on “Toon GIrl” will be pushed back to another version other than MB-Lab 1.7.8, simply because I have been experiencing errors and issues trying to get it to work properly with the MB-Lab engines.
So in the meantime I will be testing out the new features of the MB-Dev framework…
The MB-Lab panel is separated into two parts now, MB-Lab and MB-Dev…
Below are the “Model Edition” of MB-Dev.
Simple Morph Creation
This will allow you to add new morphs to MB-Lab characters.
Combined Morph Creation
The combined morphs are combinations from simple morphs that overlap, and are in the same category.
Age Mass Tone Creation
They are also used to create variation of the body as a whole : Age, Mass, Tone. And they are also used to create presets, to help user.
Character Creation
This will allow you to make new Phenotypes and Presets.
Expressions Creation
This is pretty obvious, it allows the creation of new base expressions.
Facial Expressions Creator
This tool combines base expressions
From the testing I have done using the Manuel MB-Lab models these tools work very well. The documentation is being worked on so that people can understand the process though because it is quite a bit to understand.
I myself, as I am not the programmer for these tools, have to understand the process as well. So far I have experienced very few issues using the Manuel models of MB-Lab.
As for the “Model Integration” part of MB-Dev… well that will be a post for another day.