Measure around an object like a measuring tape?

I thought this would be a lot more simple than it has been. I’m trying to measure the length of a line that goes around an entire object.

For example, I am trying to measure around the top of a human head in order to see if a hat would fit. Like this image:

I can measure individual lines of two points, but I can’t figure out how to measure the length of a line which wraps around an object,

You can use a circle. When you create a circle you can have the diameter in the “Transform / dimensions”. So to get the Circumference (The length of the circle) you just do: pi*d (pi is 3,1415 and d is the diameter).
Hope that helps.
(note: Blender use meters as unit of reference. i.e. a default circle is 2m diameter).

I ended up using this video

You can find the length of a curve without doing math. I used a circle with the shrinkwrap modifier to conform it to the mesh, then converted it to a bezier (important) curve and used the method in the video to find the length.


One simple method is using Curve Tool (already included in Blender, just activate it). Select the edge, duplicate it and convert it to Bezier curve.
Then open N panel and just press LENGHT in Curve Info panel.

The Measure It addon can sum up selected edges like so:

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Or the poor first addon i ve done. Based on edge length calculation.


Make your own, with Geonodes?

Hope that helps

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