Merry Christmas

my last blenderwork in this year :)…i think

blender-postcard :slight_smile:


ok. This is my Christmas-gift for everybody !!! here is .blend file from first level this work - winter environement & house model

Merry Christmas :):):):):slight_smile:

Good, but looking closely you need OSA and you might want to lighten the pitch black areas.

this is great…show u put alot of work into it…definetly gallery type of work…u got 5 stars from me!HOw long did it take to render?

12 min render :slight_smile:

the snow is particles?

the whole image is very professional.

i like it a lot,
very nice christmas image,
would look cool with some people in there,
five stars at your face,
good job
merry christmas…to your face…hahahahohohohoho

Very impressive work!
Very pro!

5 stars for you!


Love it! Nice snowman, house, trees, but not so sure about the lights on the christmas tree - The emit is way too high.


Wonderful !
This is amazing.
No crits, i like it.

It makes me think of Canada, christmas cookies and eggnog…

I’m thinking about making a 3d short involving a snowy envirnment, thinking about stealing your house. :smiley:

Nice work!

Extremely nice work. Lighting for the night/dusk is perfectly done.


Nice work, I really like the trees in the background and the lighting of the snow.

awe, that’s so pretty. Merry Christmas to you too.

That looks amazing(merry christmas), I like that snow covered tree best…
Awesome, 5 stars

that is awsome.

Very nice! Thanks for sharing, and a Merry Christmas to you too!

(Oblig.) Not to take away from that but ya, the large tree lights lights do look somewhat odd because they’re so large.
If they were more transparent or flare-like, you could blame the size on bloom, but they look too opaque for that. The house light blobs look fine from that distance and the tree is almost as far away…Smaller and maybe more transparent with a solid core would be better. Also the red strand seems to be hanging in space. :slight_smile:

No crits from me, very nice christmas render and 5 stars from me.

Love it. Great lighting job. Tactful use of photos, everything looks great. :]

This picture almost makes up for a momumentally sucky year. Serious.

Five stars.