
Hello. Thank you for your invaluable contribution to the Blender Community. I have a question: would it possible to dynamically change number of sides on the entire cylinder? Right now cyclic selection are not supported. I need this feature sometimes when I want to add more definition to it and I don’t want to recreate it from scratch.

Not with the fillet tool set (Fuse, Unfuse, ReFuse, …) in MESHmachine, no. Cylinders are not fillets.

as workaround you may use something like this (macro logic):

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Thank you for your reply. In new to Blender, switching from Modo. I don’t know how to create that macro.

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Hi :slight_smile: For task like this you have at least 2 options providing by those 2 adons:
“Maxivz Interactive Tools” - it can automatically create a new revolve object from selected edge, so it can be cylinder or more complicated forms like vase, car rim or something like that.
“Wonder Mesh” which have a set of basic shapes with ability to change sides/cap polygons in the same way as in 3ds max, as example, and make it after you create the primitive.


Thank you for letting me know about Interactive tools addon, I already knew about wMesh.

One question according to tabs organization
Is it possible to add an option of choosing panel category like in Hardops for example? That would help a lot to keep N panel cleaner. Thanks

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I already provide the option to hide the secondary panels completely, so you’ll only have the main DECALmachine, MESHmachine, or MACHIN3tools panels, and have them all under the single MACHIN3 tab instead of spread out. That’s all I’m going to do.


v0.8.2 is out! | - Gumroad, Blendermarket, Documentation


  • Wedge
    • disable debug output
  • fix issues on some linux systems

Just a little hint, your Blender Market link in the first post has blendermarkert in it. :upside_down_face:

How to hide them?
By deleting Meshmachine and Boxcutter Text from the preferences, to just don’t show them in the N-panel?
All I can find in machin3tools N-panel is ‘mechmachine help’ and ‘machin3tools with GROUP’.
(no decalmachine installed)

In all three preferences I can’t find options to put the Meshmachine & boxcutter N-panels with N-panel functions into machin3tools N-panel…

Thanks in advance

There is a MACHIN3 panel that has all my addons. Secondary DM and MM panels can be hidden from the addon’s main panel.

Boxcutter is not and addon of mine.


Hi !
I am using MESHmachine 0.6.0 for Blender 2.79.7, with a PC running Windows 7 Ultimate.
Okay, sorry, I know very well that I am not “up to date” with these old versions … I too am a 63 year old, and this may explain that … It is becoming difficult to update Blender for example, I am lost in interface 2.8 or 2.9 !
I’m learning how to use this version of MESHmachine, and for that I watch the video tutorials carefully !
For example, here is a video that prompts me to ask you about creating stashes :
My attention was drawn to a behaviour of the stash tool :
at t = 0’44", a second stash is created, the fading popup appears to confirm that creation.
It is not the same for me : only the first creation of a stash is confirmed with a fading popup. All next creations of stashes work fine, but no popup are produced.
II’m assuming the script behaves badly, without throwing an error because the system console doesn’t display anything…
This leads me to ask if you have designed a modified version of this script, which could correct this behaviour of MESHmachine 0.6.0 ?
I hope that you will help me and I thank you in advance for the attention you will give to my request !

I really can’t comment on that. It’s not clear what your issue is, and I won’t attempt to reproduce it on an ancient Blender version using an ancient version of MESHmachine. I don’t have the time, resources or interest for that.

Commenting on that. My 88 year old aunt started learn using computers when she was 85. Don’t let age stop you from learning.


Hi Bullit !
Thank you very much for your message, I agree with you so much! Even at the last moment, I hope that maybe I will learn something extraordinary ?

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Hi !
I can understand your answer, as far as revising an “old” code is concerned.
When I see what you are able to do in terms of addon creation, I thought that for you it would be a small thing to make the script of MESHmachine 0.6.0 not have the default of displaying the stash creation confirmation popup, only for the first creation, and not for the following ones.
I assume this is related to the timer used in the script, which does not reset after a first run. (30.7 KB)

But then, guessing is not knowing how to do it, and what for me is almost impossible, seemed to me to be for you a simple quick and easy adjustment of the code, I am convinced!
However, and with my meagre Python skills, I will try to figure out how to adjust this code. Believe me, if I succeed, I will be sure to post the revised code here.


Hi !

Using Blender 2.83.3 and even 2.90 with MESHmachine 0.7.2, instead of older versions as I did when I asked you for an help sometimes ago, it seems to me that there is something weird with the Transfer Stashes tool ?
I notice the default when I refer to your video about Transfer Stashes :
The fact is that : at t = 0’50", you show that the stash transfer on any object works correctly : it then has copy(s) from the source, ADAPTED to the size of this receiver object.

It’s not the case for me, here is how I proceeded and the results :

Having a “Source” object with its stashes :
1 - create a Roundcube object, only scale it in Object mode : Obj1
2 - create a “basic” Cube. In Edit mode, apply 3 times the “Subdivide Smooth” action. Go back to Object mode, scale it : Obj2

Then :

1- Transfert Stashes : Source > Obj1 : OK as you can see on screen capture :
2 - Transfert Stashes : Source > Obj2 : bad result as you can see on screen capture :
The stash is not adapted to Obj2 size, it has the same size than the stash of source.

Am I doing something wrong with Transfer Stashes tool, or is it a bug of the tool ?
I can’t be certain, because I notice that your video was made with the 2.79 old version of Blender and, I guess, a version of MESHmachine older than the 0.6.0. So it is difficult to compare what I observe with what I see in this video !

Thanks in advance for your response !

Reproduce your issue on the latest version and report it properly:

Hi !
I hope I have done as you require, I have sent you the elements to [email protected]
Thanks in advance for your response !